
Those people getting outraged “over everything” are doing it for attention or to support their own cause. It has nothing to do with morality or prudishness. (PSST: they aren’t really outraged either)

Meh. I’m of the opinion that we as movie goers put way to much stock in the whole idea of “one mans vision” making a movie what it is. Especially in HUGE movies like this where the formula has already been established.

I too doubt they would risk such a move but lets not pretend like these are people working at Dairy Queen and living paycheck to paycheck. The core cast are all multi millionaires who never need to work again if they don’t want too. Hell, Dave Bautista was making millions BEFORE he even entered acting.

If only there was some way to not participate in Twitter......

Seeing as how acting is very subjective Im not sure how you could ever prove such a thing in court. 

The game currently has 95 reviews on metacritic. 40 of them are positive, 54 are mixed and 1 is negative.

Now playing

The idea that PewDiePew was victim of some hatchet job by the media is pretty hilarious. I suppose him calling another player “a fucking nigger” during a live stream of PUBG was taken out of context too. Lol.

I like to think that you have had that picture for years and have been wandering the internet desperately searching for people asking questions about Toad’s species so you can post it.

Same. I have seen the movie more times than I can rememeber and not once was I ever confused about what happened to gamble. The internet tries to hard sometimes.

Im no psychologist (hell i cant even spell it according to autocorrect) but my guess is that it has something to do with the fact that alot if these people like to hear themselves talk. They will do the mental gymnastics needed to look past an obviously wierd situation if it means they get to ramble their particular

So essentially he got jumped in a bar by some known shitheads and then eventually found out later on that they were known shit heads, one of which was in jail for something completely unrelated.

I love Star Wars but the idea that people take A FUCKING MOVIE so seriously is just a sad state of affairs. People really are the worst.

The Point Break remake was blasphemy but at least it did not drag out all the old ass actors from the first one. With Top Gun its like they are actively trying to depress everyone over the age of 35 by showing how shitty every actor from thier youth looks now.

Or maybe you have a different opinion on what warrants a “moderate reaction” than other people? Maybe other People see making a joke about 58 people being murdered as warranting a strong reaction.

“What does she have to gain”

Its probably not even faster than this year’s fully restricted F1 car. They are about a second faster than last years cars (which is the what Hamilton was driving when he set that lap time). This new record will probably only last until qualifying for the Belgian GP.

Im with you on Sith being overrated but Phantom is truly bad. So bad. I went back and watched it a few months ago. It’s borderline unwatchable.

“The hole” “the soft part” whoa, easy on the technical terms, man. Not all of us are engineers.

This makes me wonder if anyone involved in the creation of this has ever seen anything even remotely related to Spiderman.

So THATS what that was. I assumed there was something to him saying hi to those random people on the street. Nice touch.