I got to try one of these yesterday. It was... interesting? But I don’t think I’d get one again. I’m sure it will generate plenty of hashtagged social media posts, which is probably what Starbucks is going for here.
I got to try one of these yesterday. It was... interesting? But I don’t think I’d get one again. I’m sure it will generate plenty of hashtagged social media posts, which is probably what Starbucks is going for here.
This is the most Nintendo decision ever.
The purple lining on Batman’s cape is pretty cool.
So is Easter a thing at all in Japan? I figured since it’s not quite as commercialized as Christmas, the more overtly Christian aspects would keep it from catching on there.
I was annoyed when a regular Magikarp turned out to be a Ditto yesterday. I can only imagine how pissed I’d be if a shiny Magikarp was a Ditto.
Ah, cool. Where did you find it? I’ve oddly never seen them in Target or Wal-Mart, only TRU and Best Buy.
Wait, wait. Wait. Are the new ones out already?! Is this a promo thing where you get one from Hasbro before they’re available? I have the Cap and Iron Man, and they’re pretty cool, but this Deadpool really blows the rest out of the water.
I’m playing Dishonored 2 because I’m forcing myself to work through some of my backlog before I even THINK about buying any new games.
I’m sold. I’m also glad that they didn’t just re-tool Metroplex again.
Sentret is the new Rattata in my area as well.
I’m curious what the in-universe explanation for the geisha robots’ faces opening up like that. Maintenance? Otherwise, it just seems like an excuse to go from kinda creepy to nightmare fuel quickly.
That is sadly plausible. It took a while for Scarlet Witch in the six inch line, as well. I’m actually surprised there hasn’t been a movie style Vision yet. I’m looking forward to all the Toy Fair reveals!
Hopefully next wave! And maybe a Nebula while we’re at it.
I bought myself the LEGO Batman Scuttler for Valentine’s Day. I think you have the better story here!
After seeing the movie, I like this set even more. I might break down and buy it.
I pre-ordered (I know, I know) from Amazon, and they haven’t even shipped it yet. Guess I’ll be cancelling that and getting it price matched at Target!
My initial take on this headline was that it referred to an insomniac, not the game company. So I was wondering why there was an article about some random person’s opinion.
These look way better than the Mattel versions, but I already have them and don’t like these versions of the characters enough to shell out more.
Well, I know what I’m getting for dinner tonight.
What’s with the image? Was it taken with a Game Boy Camera?