I’m curious what the in-universe explanation for the geisha robots’ faces opening up like that. Maintenance? Otherwise, it just seems like an excuse to go from kinda creepy to nightmare fuel quickly.
I’m curious what the in-universe explanation for the geisha robots’ faces opening up like that. Maintenance? Otherwise, it just seems like an excuse to go from kinda creepy to nightmare fuel quickly.
That is sadly plausible. It took a while for Scarlet Witch in the six inch line, as well. I’m actually surprised there hasn’t been a movie style Vision yet. I’m looking forward to all the Toy Fair reveals!
Hopefully next wave! And maybe a Nebula while we’re at it.
I bought myself the LEGO Batman Scuttler for Valentine’s Day. I think you have the better story here!
After seeing the movie, I like this set even more. I might break down and buy it.
I pre-ordered (I know, I know) from Amazon, and they haven’t even shipped it yet. Guess I’ll be cancelling that and getting it price matched at Target!
My initial take on this headline was that it referred to an insomniac, not the game company. So I was wondering why there was an article about some random person’s opinion.
These look way better than the Mattel versions, but I already have them and don’t like these versions of the characters enough to shell out more.
Well, I know what I’m getting for dinner tonight.
What’s with the image? Was it taken with a Game Boy Camera?
My favorite Rob Schneider story is that he blamed his retirement from movies on Obama. It was one of those “can’t work in a liberal city, blah blah blah Obama” sorts of excuses.
Nothing good, that’s for sure.
I pre-ordered a case of this series of figures (which in this instance was okay because I wanted all of them anyway), and mine is on the way. Hurry up, UPS!
Shout out to Riley for being a fellow anosmic.
I guess I should play the first one, since it was included as a free download with my PS4.
As a fan of bats in general, I’m getting Moon. #hellagoth
According to the UPS tracking number, my copy of Moon will be arriving today. Yay!
Huh. I saw this on the shelf at Target two days ago. I guess they jumped the gun on the release date. Why don’t they ever do that with stuff I want?
Well, I was on... hiatus? I got GTA V with my PS4 2 years ago, then played through story mode. I started online, then got up to level 30 or so, and stopped playing. Then back in April, I had the random urge to play again, and then I joined a crew and made some friends and have been playing regularly since. All the new…
There is an image of it in the article, it’s the white one on the left. Cheerleader Massacre 3.