
It’s my understanding that any face paint options you buy while they are available will continue to be available after the event is over. It is annoying that you have to re-buy them.

The Sanctus is WAY overpriced, but it does look really cool. So of course I bought one. I’m mostly excited for the return of last Halloween’s content (cars, facepaint, etc) that I missed out on because I wasn’t playing when it was originally released.

In addition to a new Metroid game, I would also like a new F-Zero. As long as I’m wishing, a new entry in the Advance Wars series would be most welcome as well.

Hmm, before Hasbro started the six inch line, I collected so many clone troopers. So, so many. So the EE exclusive is pretty tempting. I’ll probably want to pick up Threepio as well, I prefer silver leg over red arm.

Rockets vs Insurgents. It’s a player created mode, so I think the only way to access it is to through an invitation in free roam.

I already have the Skyward Sword Link, so I am definitely getting Zelda. I generally have been wanting a Zelda figure anyway. Is Bandai still making Super Mario figuarts? They should make a Princess Toadstool Peach already.

Valkyries are on sale right now for about 1.5 mil.

I’m mostly glad that I can see what the hidden trophies are now. Saves me a trip to the internet to look it up!

I’ve been sticking with the Zelda themed releases (I have the New 3DS XL that came out after the Majora’s Mask version, with the Triforce and bird thing logo), and this design isn’t making me re-think that.

I was wondering when they would get around to doing this. With the Arkham and Bioshock collections coming out, it had to be inevitable.

Welcome back! I too saw the logo and thought it was a new episode. Looking forward to it!

Portal 2 had a cool score, which I believe is available as a free download in three volumes. I dig the score to Assassin’s Creed: Black Flag as well. A nice mix of rousing, pirate-y music with cool sea shanties and tavern music. But if we’re going old school, Metroid is one of my favorites.

I really don’t get the “grow a unibrow” thing. If it’s a misspelling, what was the intended word? Whatever the intent, it’s so ridiculous that I kind of like it. Next time somebody annoys me, I’m telling them to grow a unibrow.

It has US right in the name, so it must be!

I’m glad I live in a region that doesn’t have Kroger’s. Because I know that if I saw these in the store, I would be compelled by curiosity to try them, and really, this flavor just sounds bad.

Edward Scissorhands holding a cell phone is cracking me up way too much.

While I was able to finally order Ecto Cooler from Amazon, I still have been unable to get my hands on either of these Twinkies. I’ll still try them if I ever get the chance!

Have a good break!

The figures were randomly on clearance at Target a week before the movie was released (they have since gone back to regular price), so I bought them. That was a weird clearance, but whatever, I don’t mind paying less.