
I tried these a few weeks ago and thought they were pretty uninspired. I haven’t even heard of the fruity crisp variety, though. Are those out yet? I just picked up a package of “choco chip” Oreos, and I’ll be trying them soon.

Somehow I am not surprised that this happened in Florida.

I didn’t realize he did a My Little Pony voice. I have the TFA Wreck-Gar, but I still don’t have the Simpsons Weird Al figure. This might be something to look out for. Hmm, I should probably get the Mego-style Weird Al figure too, now that I think about it...

I still haven’t found any!

I for one welcome the return of our Youtube overlords.

I’m pretty stoked for all the spookiness lately. Everyday is Halloween!

I didn’t get the DLC for either of those games, so including them makes it a good deal for me.

Hmm, I’ll have to try these if I see them in the store.

15 bucks seems a bit pricy to me. If I see a Skeletor for 10 bucks or less, I might get one.

I don’t even care if this is true. It’s hilarious!

This wins Easter.

The orange creme eggs they sold a few years ago were pretty good. So much better than the chocolate creme eggs. Which are garbage.

That is one of the coolest repaints I have ever seen.

Yeah. But I JUST HAD to have a complete Groot, and didn’t want to wait. So I paid full price, like a sucker. Oh well! From now on, I’m just going to buy the extra pieces I need from Ebay or whatever.

I’m still annoyed that I had to buy him to complete Groot. At least its hella cheap now.

Of the currently available limited edition flavors, I like the cinnamon bun Oreos a lot more. I thought the filled cupcake Oreos were kind of disappointing.

Nice Wayne’s World quoting!

I’m not holding my breath, but Hasbro does seem to have given up on the Kreo line...

Is it just me or do the galactic marines look like TOM from Toonami?

Most importantly, Link is left-handed. Yay!