
Maybe it’s the two beers I just drank, but the winning entries seemed even more funny than usual, so kudos to the entrants!

Will the web stream have the same ads as the TV broadcast?

Even if it tasted terrible, I doubt I’d be able to resist a cereal box that looks like Batman’s chest.

These are awesome! I also admire the artist’s willingness to customize such expensive figures.

If this means Squirrel Girl will show up in the MCU, then I am more than okay with it.

Thanks for the reminder that I need to get around to downloading whatever the free games are this month (too lazy to look them up for the sake of making this comment).

That IS an awesome username! Cookies for you!

And what happens if you do regret killing Yoshi?

Batman should never have allowed anyone who would mix up “your” and “you’re” to be a Robin.

I just got mine in the mail yesterday! It’s kind of weird that there are both Figma and SH Figuarts figures for Nintendo characters. Some weird licensing thing, I guess? Either way, Smash Bros diorama action!

I’m here to enable you. I have the Zelda 3DS and have this pre-ordered as well. Go for it, man!

Corgis gonna corg.

While the Cybertron games were fun shooters, I’m glad we’re moving back to G1 versions of the characters for this game. Because I’m a dude in his 30s so G1 will always be my favorite Transformers aesthetic.

I was playing on July 22nd AKA Pi Approximation Day, and Riddler made a comment about spending his time calculating pi to the billionth place out of boredom while waiting for Batman to solve his riddles. I haven’t heard it any other time, so I’m not sure if it was coincidence or intentional.

I would open a new account at a bank that offered a Batman credit card.

I hope Squirrel Girl is a playable character again! In general, I want a Squirrel Girl minifigure too, or any Squirrel Girl action figure, really.

The headline made me imagine something like the cucco attacks from Legend of Zelda games. Which would be pretty amusing to see here.

Since I couldn’t get my hands on the Majora’s Mask version, maybe I’ll be able to get this one.

This is going to end in tears.

She truly is unbeatable.