
A few years ago, there were dark chocolate Creme Eggs. I couldn’t find any, so a friend sent me some from Canada. As I prefer dark chocolate in general, I remember quite liking them, and I wish they would bring them back. Also, the more recent orange creme egg was something I quite liked and wish it would come back as

Cool! I wish I had the patience to make shorts like this.

I'm #teamalabasterbadass.

I'm in the same boat as you. It's a bummer, but... Yay, new Rock Band!

I've been using chopsticks incorrectly for 20-something years, so now it just feels natural that way. I suppose I could change if I put my mind to it. FWIW, I was originally taught by a teenage Japanese exchange student.

I'll be glad to finally replace the Cybertron (or Energon?) Devastator I've got. No way I was going to shell out for the third party version, awesome as it is.

Armatron! That thing was so cool! Definitely one of my favorite toys as a child.

I love the sound design from that game. I've taken to using the objective update sound as my phone's notification tone.

I got a Zelda related tattoo when I was 21 as well. High fives!

I completely agree with the choice of winner! There were a ton of great submissions for this round, as well. Who do I have to kill/bribe/whatever to get the winner made into an actual 3DS, though?

I clicked on the headline, not expecting it to be so literal. Although, really I'm not even sure what I was expecting if it had been metaphorical. PUNK ROCK!

I've never heard anyone pronounce Wario like that.

If I felt like ruining my '66 Robin figure, I could just use his cape...

I honestly wasn't expecting a Yoshi from this line, but it's awesome that Mario or Luigi can ride on his back. But now I need a cape for Mario to get the full Super Mario World effect!

Nice find!

The faces still kind of freak me out when seen in profile with the mouth open.

Huh. I always pronounced Zebes as "Zeebs" in my head.

Awesome. Pre-ordered! She'll fit in with my Link and Samus Figma, as well as my Mario Figuarts.

I was only interested in the PS4 bundle with GTAV. My plan was to get it from Target, because of the additional Red Card savings. Hoping to save the hassle of actually going into a store, I was camped out on my computer Wednesday night at 9pm Pacific, hoping the Black Friday deals would go live at midnight Eastern.

I'm waiting until Black Friday to (hopefully get a bundle) and upgrade to the new gen, so I've been playing Rogue. I'm enjoying it a lot, and digging that it fills in some of the timeline between III and IV.