
They face much, much tougher competition than the women do.

Hey, remember that time Deadspin said the men’s team doesn’t support the women’s team?

Here’s how every member of the deadspin staff named Kelsey McKinney has to say about this article*

I have reached out to every member of the US Men’s soccer team, former President Obama, and deceased football legend Johan Cruyff for comment. So far I have received no response. I think that says it all.

Eat them indeed. I only got the pell for my last two semsters because I was finally old enough to not have to include my parents income anymore.

“We can’t give everyone free college! Because then rich kids would get free college!—Pete Buttigieg, somewhere, probably.

...all the preppy kids who were clamping firmly down on their libidos and sublimating it into award after award after award.

And with Joshua Harris, “homeschooled and indoctrinated” is a bit of an understatement. His dad was one of the pioneers of the evangelical homeschooling movement in America going back to the 70s.

You don’t undo a lifetime of indoctrination in one day and it’s not just because you’re making money off it. It’s not just beliefs and a church he had to disentangle from, it was probably the majority of his close friendships and even family. From the sounds of it, it ended his marriage. And yeah, it was also his

I agree with you. If this guy is sincere in his move away from the views of his past, then I say welcome. While I am not nor I have I ever been religious, I live in a deeply religious area of the country. It requires a tremendous amount of strength for people in the grip of that community to reject it it and get out

I grew up an evangelical, “speaking in tongues”, born-again Christian. I was anti-abortion, anti pre-marital sex, and had no idea what LGBTQ+ was (it didn’t even have the letters back then).

Hey now - doesn’t everyone look to homeschooled twenty-one-year-olds for social advice? They’ve experienced so very, very much.

It’s INSANE that a book about relationships written by a 21-year-old became a hit. Absolutely insane. 21-year-olds are IDIOTS. *Especially* 21-year-old dudes. I can’t believe that actual grown ups took him seriously - even evangelical weirdos.

He was 21 and grew up homeschooled and indoctrinated. I’m with percysowner re: progressives needing to not be assholes when people see the light. It’s counterproductive. 

Being raised super evangelical (and being super gay), his book and others like it made my life a living hell. That said, I can’t really muster any anger for him now. I know what that childhood is like, and I can imagine that being home schooled and writing that book at 21 was probably the product of some very

I think it would behoove us to remember our liberalism here, and realize that while the guy wrote the book, it was millions of adults who foisted it on their kids because it said what they wanted to hear. It takes a village to make a movement, and speaking as someone who grew up the burned-over rural red America in

One of the few good things about getting shipped off to war when I was young, is that it was a crash course in just how naive I was in my early 20's. It is probably a good thing to assume you know less than you think for your entire life, but certainly emphasis that before you’re 26.

Yeah, it’s a crime the pain he caused, but he was a 21 year old indoctrinated into a belief system, writing about something he probably had almost no experience with.

This guy’s (an others like him) work is the reason that my parents were complete psychopaths in my teens (and early 20's) in regards to dating.