
I have the TCL P-Series and it is an amazing set for the price. However a slight correction, it is a 60hz native panel. However it’s software handles motion very well and there is minimal motion blur.

Several come to mind for me for different reasons.

In my opinion Horizon Zero Dawn is worth it. I just finished it recently and got the platinum because it was so much fun. There is nothing revolutionary about it but it does all of the open world stuff really well. The combat system is one of my favorites of all time. Even the collectibles were really enjoyable to

I really love the variation so far in what people are playing.

Thanks for the article Cecilia. I have stayed away from team chat for awhile because of the toxicity. However I am going to join back in after reading this. We need to let female gamers and other groups that are targeted know that we have their backs. There is not much I can do about the rage trolls but letting

Stop with the lame excuses. I have plenty of testosterone and I still treat people with respect. I can get frustrated with Overwatch without taking it out on other people. We need more women in gaming not less. You don’t speak for all traditional male gamers.

Ultimately people should take responsibility for their decisions when making purchases. Read reviews, watch streams, etc and then make a well informed purchase. I rarely pre-order or buy day one because I like to research my games before buying them especially with new IPs.