
These are “beemer bewbs”. Think about it. They’re in front, designed to attract attention, and keep getting made artificially bigger but somehow never look totally natural in shape.

They were already pretty big to begin with 

I, too, don’t know why it matters so much to you.

Hopefully the car in the picture is not the “brand new Nissan Altima”

Yeah, it could have just been a vacation to Iraq.

... Tower Of Boxer Engines ...

Yea, depends how much he lost. My right arm ends just below the elbow, so I designed this

Grab the wheel with your teeth. Problem solved.

One hand? No hands*? I’ve found the perfect car for you!

Anyone who doesn’t suggest a Porsche hates the disabled

only one man can replace him

Rowan Atkinson

Make it happen BBC

Please give this a proper gearbox. I understand why a Mclaren P1 doesnt have a manual, but a VW hot hot hatch is the ideal car for banging through the gears.

We better make sure we stop all those foreign made cars from driving down American streets!!

Automatic transmission for when you don’t give a shift.

The Germans have a word for everything, and when they don’t, they just write a sentence explaining what it does, and remove all the spaces.

Of course it has a name.... it’s German.

“We must name all ze parts” -The Germans


Because he actually wanted to get it?