
You see “God” somewhere up there?

But there are no witty christian jokes other than, well, the whole christian thing.

quick, someone get this guy a safe space

Did the pilot suggest which god they pray to? I wonder if the Pilot suggested the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

I’m genuinely shocked that an Australian pilot asked people to pray considering Australia is the least religious place I’ve ever lived.

But he is discussing a real fact. A person with a preexisting condition is like a person who crashed a car in the way that matters when it comes to figuring out a sustainable model for insurance.

Your entire body....13 times.

Wow, fuck that guy with a rusty cactus.

Whats your definition of fragile?

I did 120k on my C5 and no repairs cost more than 1-2k. Probably spent less than 5 grand on it to get it to 120k. Loved it.

Now I have a ferrari. No repairs cost less than 3k. I have 20k on it and have spent more than 20 grand on it. Love it.

I can’t get over how durable the vette is for

As a courilary: my dad owns a 1966 C2, which he bought second hand from an F-4 phantom pilot in 1969 (it still has a set of Navy pilot wings on the dash, and an F-4 patch decal on one of the windows).

Jim is 49. He’s worked hard all his life, but has always driven sensible cars that work for the family. His brother Matt has owned a succession of BMWs and has never been quiet about how much they cost and how fast they are. But Jim has just received the promotion he’s been working towards for a long time, and with it

Counterpoint: I’m racing mine this weekend.

Read all of that in Mr. Regular’s voice. Fucking accurate.

Reminds me of another random encounter, around the same time. On my way to work (at that same job) I saw an old lady in about her 70's. She was driving an ‘00, 01' ish Trans-Am WS6. T-top, 6 speed, blasting metal (I forget what song now). She looked like she was having the time of her life. I wanted to turn around and

You should write for a living

This is some excellent Kinja.

Chester is 72 years old. He’s been dreaming of owning a Corvette for the vast majority of those years. He worked hard and played it safe. He’s got enough money to bring home a Vette and the wife says it is ok. Now he knows the one’s from the 60's were way faster, buta new Vette is part of the dream. He orders his

Way back when, I worked at a grocery store. We had a greeter who was your typical 80-something year old retiree. He drove a Z06 convertible every day. Even the dead of winter. One day when we got over a foot of snow, I saw him drive that damn Z06 like it was the middle of summer. Still makes me smile to this day.

“Just 1.8 liters, four cylinders and 252 horses don’t sound that impressive by modern standards.”
In what “The FR-S needs a turbo” world are you living in? 

I hope it stays that way. That’s the way it should be.