
Are you kidding? The 7-Series is the ugliest full-size luxury sedan by a mile. It is a successful exercise in unflattering proportions.

Okay hold on... free cell phones, free food stamps and free healthcare is bad enough in my opinion, now we're going to talk about giving out free housing, seriously? At what point do we ask any of these recipients of the free life to contribute anything to the greater good for society. Would it be fair to ask these

Why doesn't the government hire homeless people to work in toll plazas? They would be in a wind/rain protected hut, and they are already great at asking for spare change.

Another Veyron?

I like the brightwork. Not sure about the winglets. They may be needed because when I first watched the video I had to look twice to make sure it wasn't a Chevy bowtie.

Lincoln: FFS, your directing managers must be trolling, because there is no way anyone can be so ignorant and incompetent at running a car manufacturer. A badge engineered FWD rental car cannot be the starting point for a luxury car.

Mitsubishi Mirage? That's adorable!

What say you fellow Jalops? Does it look better as is:

Surely I cannot be the only one to notice.. in the opening seconds of the above video, the ass-end of the Ciel, looks astonishingly like the front of the Elmiraj sans windshield...

This. We may disagree on central speedometers, but it's nice to see that I'm not alone in thinking that Lincoln is beyond salvaging. At least Cadillac had some badge identity before its revival, even if it was the negative stigma of being an old man's car.

I don't see what the big issue is. It's a name. The name doesn't change the car's appearance, performance or road manners. People call the Miata a chick car on a daily basis, and it's still an autocross champ.

Predator as a car, you ask?

Based on the CLA, Mercedes's beefed up compact targets costumers who had an Audi Q3 or a BMW X3 on their mind. This is what Stuttgart has to offer as an alternative:

I've already driven the M4.

That reminds me of the time I was driving my X5 and came upon a construction zone. The orange barrels were forcing my lane to end and merge into the right-hand lane, which is only used by diseased hippies and Obama supporters.

How can the Murcielago LP670-4 SV be analog when it has traction control, AWD, and an automatic transmission?

There are very few things right in this article. It like CNN realized they needed more content and found two interns who were not that busy and said right this. Turbo F1 cars are to be written about by people who should have a pre-existing knowledge of F1, Racing, and how about how cars work in general.
"While a

To be honest, I find the XFR-S to look quite vulgar. No joke, but with that awful spoiler and low-class blue paint, I often confuse it for a Vauxhall VXR8. I'm surprised to see it score as high as a 7.

It's a system which makes sense in theory, but could never work in actuality. Taxes based on income work because taxes are nondiscriminatory: everyone pays taxes, whether they have a high or low income.