Geoffrey Marshall

Pam rules all universes.

Said it before, say it again; Damar's arc is one of the greatest things of DS9.

'cause that optimism ain't realistic.

The EW breakdown says the actor wasn't really enjoying the experience. Quite sad.

it seems you haven't watched DS9.

went to show that he's smarter and more observant, just as it came across in the show.

yeah, that Volanti nurse had that "something" beyond just a pretty face…

True dat. I saw the new Mountain and I was like "he looks more like the Beanpole that rides." Needs more girth, too bad the original one had to go take a better job…ah well. Bills gotta pay.

Calling Joff Draco is a diss to Draco. Draco is like Bobby Draper compared to Joffrrey.

I gotta give props to Jack Gleeson; I find that I hate the TV Joff more than I ever hated the book Joff, and I REALLY hate the book Joff.

non-newbie here, and I concur on the improvement viewpoint.

this is the first non-A grade I've seen for this season on both expert and newbies. Not sure why it got a B+ from both.