
Can’t fight Disney’s deep pockets.

Indeed. Didn’t much like the look of it. Thought it was a funny joke they made it explode immediately.

Yeah if there was a crowd that didn’t want Doctor Who to be so “woke”, I got bad news for them, RTD ain’t about that. 

As soon as they can figure out how to do an AI generated recap they will.

OMG, Donna has a daughter who is TRANS.  I love it so much.  I just watched a YouTube short two minutes before this post where the person said it was WOKE and he scored it lower.  Me, I think they did a great job using trans to help Donna survive DoctorDonna.  It was such a fun episode, and the TARDIS interior is

So like is your website gonna review it or nah?

They should do an episode of Doctor Who where it has all the cliches of the original series (rock quarry alien planet, creatures made of aluminum foil, ropey special effects, shot on video indoors and film outdoors), but all the characters take it as seriously as they would otherwise.

The return of RTD has resulted in a greatest hits of representation that is going to blow the minds of the right wing commentariat.

Hooo is this one going to piss off all the (Far) right people.

Overall a fun episode. A little twee, sure, but aren’t they always? 

Monkey D.-flated

You really are one of the dumbest posters on here.

I get the feeling she has something of a self-destructive side. Her upbringing was downright traumatizing. Wealthy people not born into wealth and fame should have really good therapists on speed dial. She has gotten into some trouble but I hope she can sort it out because she’s so talented, she has raised others up

Hahaha let’s make jokes and deflect about something lighthearted and innocent like DUIs. One DUI is a stupid mistake. Multiple DUIs is total scumbag territory. Annoying ass human. 

“Got to, you know, they say with every disaster, every mistake, you got to find a win, and that’s what I’m doing, winning.”

For people that wealthy, “license revoked” means nothing; they can hire a driver or a hanger-on can do it. That also doesn’t even touch the part where the wealthy person gets off with nothing or they just drive anyway. Fines? They mean jack when you can afford them.

People drive with suspended licenses all the time. If they’re in prison, they can’t access a vehicle.

That is a really dumb, ignorant take. Black, white, brown, if you’re so drunk you fall asleep while driving, not once but twice, then you definitely deserved to be arrested. Drunk drivers, no matter their race, gender, religion or sexuality can kill or seriously injure innocent victims. Tiffany will probably,

Holy hell... Do you know how drunk you have to be to fall asleep at the wheel; drive onto someone’s yard?  That’s driving the wrong way on a highway drunk.  That’s plowing into a bus. 

This is just a good reminder for everyone out there.  If you are going to celebrate and drink,  plan ahead of time how you are getting home.  Don’t expect your drunk ass to know when you had to much to drive, just assume going in you will and have a DD or an uber on speed dial.  Getting a DUI is a costly thing that

The Rolling Stones are notoriously territorial over their “clouds”.