
Pretty fucking wild how the AV Club… is omitting the ACTUAL antisemitic part of Barrera’s posts

She didn’t say she supports Hamas. She says she is against Palestinian civilians being killed which you appear to be very much in favor of.

I couldn't get into Futurama because John Futurama never showed up *once*.

People incapable of character growth hate character growth. 

The schism can be traced to the discovery that one of them CAN, in fact, go for that.

Alan Tudyk got a paycheck and that’s all that matters.

His people want to fly. They want to be strong. They want to talk to animals. They want to write a song everybody will dance to. They dream of having a family. A more stable community would be hard to imagine, because its wishes are not for sex, power, or anything else that would destabilize a kingdom, or even hurt a

Kudos on an excellently-written review, Ray. I haven’t seen the movie and don’t really plan to, but I’m tickled by the concept that Disney made a movie where it thinks it’s the hero but it’s actually the villain.

Everything seems political nowadays” - I thought this was only uttered by right-wingers afraid of diversity, so sad to see it in this review.

Encanto was only a couple years ago.

Encanto was only a couple years ago.

i get the impetus to make a movie celebrating yourself after 100 years, and i can sort of understand the logic of being like ‘hey what if the wishing star is the same wishing star in every movie’ in a dumb, schoolyard logic way. but need more than that to make a movie.

I saw the trailer and I knew I recognized the voice from somewhere. It’s Alan Tudyk, but not JUST Alan’s note for note his Clayface voice from  Harley Quinn.

I wish Disney would make a good movie.

nothing she said quoted here is wrong or antisemitic. It’s just the plain old obvious that everybody with eyes can plainly see.

She wasn’t fired “over comments about Israel” as the headline states, and framing it this way makes it seem like she went off and said something crazy anti-Semitic.

Everyone who was already going to see it knew what it was, but the regular guy on the street didn’t. What spineless executive wants to be the guy who tanked a Karate Kid remake, because he didn’t give it the proper name recognition?

Finally, another chance to die on this deeply pedantic hill: but why the hell is the 2010 movie called The Karate Kid? It took place in China, and stars Jackie Chan. This child did not learn karate, he learned kung fu. It’s The Kung Fu Kid.

Paddy McGuinness sounds like a fake Irish name from an episode of The Simpsons. 

That’s a good attitude to have. Kudos to her.