
Love the chances that Sarah Sherman gets SNL to take.

I’m assuming they’re using some form of specially formulated Oilclay to create their models. I seem to remember there being news of a fire of some sort that destroyed the factory that made their oilclay. But surely someone held onto the recipe for it.

This is when you lie low and hope it all blows over, not when you bluster and draw attention to your bigotry. You don’t want giant posters of megacorp ads next to Nazi propaganda shown in court and on the evening news. The recent attempt by some board members to remove him over these statements would probably be

OK, I’ll bite. Since it costs a ton of money to make a flick, what’s so terrible about buying the equipment so you can make your own clay?

So he’s suing over the reporting of things he said and public?

At this point, Kanye West feels more like a parody of himself than his South Park character.

Ah yes, the fabled musical genius at work. Reinventing the my-black-friend defense in vain attempt to salvage his completely eviscerated reputation. Da Vinci in profile right there.

He used to produce some pretty great, if groan-worthy, one-liners back in the day:

If I’m such a bad guy, why do people still have sex with me?

Verily the geniusist wordsmith of our time.

Based on the trailer, I’d say that we used to call them “date movies”, back when people went to movies and would go on dates.

Now playing

I don’t get the excitement over how fast it was put together. It’s just a twenty-second shot of them against a blue background. It’s not hard to get generic clothes on short notice, and they’re already on a promotional tour together. Plug this interview instead:

Well, in your case, I’d say Fielder’s mission is accomplished.

People really pay to watch movies like Anyone But You? And that trailer was supposed to sell it?

That little to do on a friday that you need to pop into every comment to register your dislike of T&E style anticomedy, huh?

Watching things done 1:1 through an ironic lens has an energy that just watching a bad thing unfold doesn’t. Otherwise people would stuff theaters full of the worst comedies just to laugh AT

I wish that for you too, for all our sakes

you are the joke, thank you for being there

Damn. Sometimes something is so embarrassing that the best way to mock it is to just copy it exactly with no changes. Just brutal.

Streaming is good for getting word of mouth cult movies like Scott Pilgrim seen but the companies don’t seem to attribute any value to a streaming movie being watched. It seems to make them eternal flops when in earlier days home video would have “saved” them.