
In response, Russell Brand took a page from The AV Club’s Godzilla show review: no comment.

OP is talking about the after-tax benefit of just torpedoing the movie and writing off 100% (ie $70MM) versus the cash sale price plus remaining write-off from whatever they sold it at below $70MM.

Which makes me inclined to see the movie even if it’s bad. 

They dropped an Acme-brand anvil on Zaslav’s head, to be clear.

The real risk would be the movie then taking off and making a couple hundred million or something, which’d make Zaslav et al. look really stupid.

It’s not abundantly clear how this move benefits WBD at all other than as a bit of face-saving

There’s something about the way this new version of Garfield is rendered that makes his muzzle look more like a floofy mustache. Which made me consider that if they were going to cast a Parks & Rec actor to do VO for Garfield, it would have been PHENOMENAL to have him voiced by Nick Offerman.

I was never wild about the Garfield strip, but as a kid the Garfield holiday specials were all amazing, particularly the Halloween one.

I have a six year old that really enjoys Garfield. My older kid liked Garfield too but has moved on. I didn’t force Garfield on either of them, but I will say that we watch the Halloween Special every year.

Can’t wait for the “Garfield Minus Garfield” fan edit of this.

Sony Animation Studio is filled with extremely talented artists and it’s a real bummer they’re wasting their time making a Garfield movie.

Garfield was big in the mid-eighties to mid-nineties. That’s when his tv specials and then his TV show came out. There was a ton of merchandise during that time too. 

No, he’ll probably be busy running for President then

I’m OK with Chris Pratt as Garfield; not my first choice, but he’s been perfectly fine in his other voice acting roles, and doesn’t sound jarringly out of place here. Frank Welker would obviously have been better, but studios are still inexplicably obsessed with Big Name Actors for established cartoon characters.

I thought the same thing, but she actually apparently does use the stage name Sarah Squirm in some contexts, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I don’t see any possible interpretation of the joke as making fun of terrorism. It’s making fun of a guy who’s too dense to realize the name of his band is the same as a terrorist group. Who is this offending?

I thought it was funny. Not “doubled over laughing” funny, but an amusing beat.

It’s in lieu of a Jim Spanfeller staff.

A solid sketch! No complaints!