
Yeah, there definitely seems to be a regular formula to their sketches. Curious about their movie, though.

I love how ChatAVC decided just to stop writing this article midstream. Like “Yeah, I’m going back to plotting humanity’s demise, I can’t be bothered with this show anymore.”

That’s Old Loki. The one who always has to be pampered, the center of attention, the one who camouflages as Odin, eating grapes watching actors stage a play showing how heroic he (Loki) was/is.

Story wise with respect to the larger MCU, it really doesn’t make much sense for it to have a season 3. Loki ascended to the level of a cosmic entity. There needs to be very specific stories reasons for characters to interact with beings like that. It’d make little sense for every day people or super heroes doing run

Loki, season 3 probably won’t happen. But Loki, in a Marvel movie, is almost a certainty.

I was fully expecting this to be a big thing about how the show was cancelled and it was another sign that the MCU is doomed, rather than obviously the endpoint they were working towards that they got to do as they wanted, so kudos for that.

Like I said elsewhere, the series has a definite beginning, middle and end. To do a third season would either undo that or be some weird epilogue or spinoff.

Alarm bells were sounded 25 years ago when we saw Fred Astaire dancing with a vacuum. It’s been 11 years since the 2Pac hologram. I don’t understand why it took this long for “You can’t use my likeness without me” to be codified.

That sounds, much like the WGA deal, like wins on literally every issue.

over a Tchaikovsky symphony

So, I was somewhat right. WB/HBO/Max Discovery is starting to piss enough people off internally. Someone on the crew leaked a behind-the-scenes reel of footage? Yeah it’s blocked for now, but the fact that it happens about a day later after the news says something. 

Cena actually seems way too nice to do that... unfortunately. 

David Zazlav better hope he doesn’t run into John Cena, who will surely crush his vacuous, money-minded head into a singularity with very little effort.

“Not everything can be ‘Shark Week.’”

I mean, the MCU can do whatever they want, but nothing about this specifically makes Kang and his variants a non-threat. The branched timeless of the multiverse exist, they’re just being “stabilized” by Loki.

I think it was less that Loki was suddenly more powerful and wiser, and more that Loki specifically asked him why the hell dont you ever fight back (which I guess technically counts as wiser). This tipped him off that this wasn’t the first meeting.

It looks like Kang is done until everybody forgets about Majors. Probably on a longer timeline closer to when they will bring back T’Challa.

Soo happy with this - I kind of forgot that This Loki was originally going to die in the MCU, so the sacrifice makes sense - and it did it so beautifully

The mechanics and logic of all the time stuff breaks my brain the more I think about it so I just choose to enjoy the ride and not dive deep on it. And what a ride it was. Great finale. The arc of Loki from when he first showed up in the MCU up until now is arguably the best character arc in the entire universe so

Now that was a damn good finale.