
I don’t know man, Creed has made 3 of them. The there is the whole Star Wars franchise..

The phenomenon of musical trailers that are desperate to hide that they’re musicals is really depressing to me. Like a clearly closeted guy playing all sorts of pronouns games to hide the identity of their partner.

Has the mainstream music industry ever been other than “what people like”? I mean, I thought I was cool in the 1980s and 1990s because I liked alt-rock rather than Arena-Rock, but the whole reason why arena rock stars filled arenas was because a lot of people liked them. And even the alt-rock I preferred was governed

But what this piece presupposes it, what if he didn’t?

To be fair, I think Paul McCartney has more say in whether this is the last Beatles song than Peter Jackson does.

That clip is hilarious. Not AI, though. They obviously have a lot of real extras. They probably decided in post that they needed some more people in the crowd and then did a horrible job of filling them in.

The studios have no doubt been licking their lips at the prospect of scanning actors and reusing them endlessly in whatever they fancy for free

What does this article actually have to say? Why does this exist other than to say “Elf came out 20 years ago”?

Yeah and if this drags on much more, show seasons are going to be cancelled and many of those shows will never come back. So the strike ends in a few months but now there are no jobs to go back to for thousands of people.

Even some people in the industry are turning.  And to some degree, I can’t blame them-- it’s really hard to be supportive of someone else when you haven’t been able to make mortgage payments for six months.

Good. They shouldn’t.

Depends on the project and the city. Plus you pay someone like Central Casting to book them, and when COVID procedures were seriously in place, you had to test them all.

Gosh, why would actors refuse a deal that essentially implies their skills are worthless and inferior to shitty-looking digital puppetry? A real head scratcher.

If the thinking was “no one’s going to look at some background characters who are on screen for two seconds”, then these studio folks are way out of touch. Audiences now are so eagle eyed and more than willing to slow down, pause and rewind movies looking for something they can roast the shit out of on the internet.

Oh, some people are. Some asshole morons, but still.

Good. Literally nobody is blaming the actors for this strike.

Seriously, what’s the current day rate for background extras?  It feels like they saved $500 and a bag of bagels at the low cost of their movie looking like shit.

OMG that clip. Who gave that the OK? Like, sure in a wide show or something maybe - but you can clearly see those “actors” and their freakish zombie mannequin mannerisms. 

That’s the whole point of the push for top-to-bottom automation — so the wealthy can completely eliminate any dependence they have on the rest of humanity, once and for all. Sure, it won’t be ‘as good’ as what actual people can do, but it’ll be good enough that they won’t care anymore, because it’ll be infinite,

The studios have no doubt been licking their lips at the prospect of scanning actors and reusing them endlessly in whatever they fancy for free. They’re not going to give that up easily.