
The funniest thing would be if it was just other actors on the show replacing them. Like Chris Parnell doing Rick, and either Sarah Chalke or Spencer Grammar doing Morty (it’s not uncommon for female voice actors to do younger boys’ voices in cartoons, and it would explain why the voice seemed a bit higher than

Yeah, Morty is pretty dead on. Rick is slightly less raspy/beltchy. But that is not a big deal and I am sure most would stop noticing after a bit if they really cared at all.


This makes me think at least one of the voice actors is distractingly famous. Like Barack Obama and Ringo Starr are Rick and Morty

Replacing Roiland had to be one of the easiest things ever from a technical standpoint. There was probably an army of impersonators ready to go. I’m just surprised they narrowed it down to one actor.

It looks like Disney has prematurely shot its wad on what was supposed to be a dry run if you will, so it looks like they have something of a mess on their hands.

That would have certainly made Maggie Gyllenhaal an odd choice for a romantic interest.

Yep. Like, I think it was in an oral history of Kids in the Hall where they talked about how important it was to try to impress the SNL people (and obviously they did, since Lorne produced their show and Mark McKinney eventually landed on SNL). But yeah, I’ve read a few books and articles where comedians make a very

and boy does the comedy world know it. Every improv group seems to revolve around when a scout from SNL will be in attendance.

anybody I’ve talked to who has worked on the show still sounds traumatized about it decades later. Writers, cast, crew. The only guy who ever sounded positive I met was one of the band.

“Taran wanted to do so much other stuff, but they would only have Taran in those very masculine [roles] and singing and stuff and I said, ‘Oh! This is a machine.’” (Pharoah has also echoed Jones’ sentiments about being boxed in.)

Did SNL also make her flub every line she had?

Does SNL really pay that well?

They make $250,000 - $600,000/ yr. based on how long you’ve been on the show. Plus you can work, do standup etc. in the summer. For someone like Leslie Jones who was a club comedienne that was not only a lot of money but also a nice steady paycheck.  When you can make $1 Million for a movie like Kate McKinnon, it’s

I’m sure it pays quite well, although you definitely get worked pretty hard.

I...thought she mainly wrote her own material?  At least for Weekend Update and the fake relationship with Kyle?

I think most people join SNL in the hopes of using it as a launching pad to movies or something else.

Seems like something you would probably know before going in, although I’m sure some people think they’ll beat the odds and be the Bill Haders and Tina Feys of the cast and get more variety, or at least a springboard to greener pastures.

I’ve had jobs I’ve hated, but I’ve usually found an exit strategy in less than 5 years. Does SNL really pay that well?

Has she had a single good experience in her whole career? I know these excerpts are trending to the more dramatic stuff to increase interest in the book, but I’m starting to wonder.