
So to keep the same Prime benefits I have now (including ad-free Prime Video), my Prime membership goes from $139 per year to $175 per year basically.

Adam DeVine is one of those “actors” that I don’t understand at all. Average looks, nothing special acting talent, yet how on earth does this guy get cast as often as he does? I am baffled.

Damn, first Paramount cancels that movie, now Peacock? The Workaholics people need to get back to Netflix, maybe

In that photo Howard Stern looks like Bruno from Encanto.

Bill Maher is a dick. He was never a liberal. Seeing how he just barely got scared off from being a scab is more evidence of his unprogressive ways. A real progressive never would have even floated the idea of crossing a picket line. He just seems good at pissing everyone off.

I’ve seen the theatrical version, and I’ve seen the extended version. The cuts did not make an already bad movie worse. The extended version doesn’t add anything except running time.

It was probably the first time that people were called sexists for not liking a movie.
People are more pissed about that than at the movie itself.

Insulting people because they don’t like your movie is a dumb strategy.

Ironically, the original Ghostbusters was one huge meandering improv session.

Man, people can’t let go of this movie. Every time I visit my brother in-law he has a new YouTube video to show me about how it was definitely bad and how it has nothing to do with it being the lady ghostbusters movie.

Afterlife was to me a heartless nostalgia bait cash in that mishandled the passing of a key individual in ghastly fashion. In some ways I kinda look down harder on Afterlife then the 2016, and I aggressively don’t like either.

A lot of whats being described as being cut like the dance bit was restored in I believe an extended cut. Movie was not improved for it its still a mess. My condolences to Leslie Jones however, the reactionary assholes did not stop and probably still say shit to this day and that comment Reitman said was pretty bad.

I hope Emma Roberts stubs her toe really bad today, like to the point where the nail folds back and it looks all weird and gross and it’s painful for over a week.

I think I laughed like 3 times during the whole film.

It…can be both? It’s not like Afterlife wasn’t also a heartless, unfunny cash grab.

“Bringing up the idea of giving the movie ‘back to the fans’ was a pretty clear shout-out to all those losers who went after us for making an all-female film.” Jones writes.”

Emma Roberts has a reputation for being like this on set so yeah, it probably did.

Emma Roberts comes off, both on screen and in real life, as an incredibly entitled and unlikable person. I have no idea if this happened at all or exactly or close to what Ross said, but I find it difficult to give Roberts the benefit of the doubt.

This all very very easily tracks for Emma Roberts.

It was definitely one of if not the strongest episode of the season.

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I am glad to see Steve Martin doing musical stuff on screen again. He is a talented musician and had musical stuff in his early stand up. (for you young people)