
There was some sort of NFT component to it. Thankfully, that looks like that’s been dropped completely. 

I’m thinking that streaming has cut into sales significantly, so the music isn’t the steady stream of income it once was. Licensing is great, if you can get, but that’s only a small slice of a catalog of music. Like the lottery winnings options, if you want to take the 20 year plan, you get more money. However, if you

“The Flintstones with raunch and gore" is maybe the best indictment of a show that I've seen recently. 

That may be why she ultimately sold them off. Probably sees diminishing results in the licensing and royalties at the moment, while Litmus sees bankable profit in the years to come.

I’m not a pop music person, but I’m quite surprised Katy Perry’s catalog would be worth that much money. The cost of that transaction indicates the buyer thinks her music will have significant value for a long time. I kind of thought her moment had passed. Maybe I’m wrong. 

Pretty much. She gets the $225 million upfront, and they get future royalties. She might still get a smaller rate as a performer, but I’m not sure.

She kissed her songs goodbye, and she liked it.

Not understanding that industry at all, I have to ask: has she no control over how her music is used going forward? That seems...not like something a musician would want. But hey, I guess a few hundred mil goes a long way.

I think I saw that episode of Toast of London.

Good for her, I guess? As long as she chose this and wasn’t forced into it, I guess it’s really none of my business.

It was the style at the time.  Also, in those days they called 5 drachma pieces “bees”!

Well, at least the animation looks like shit.

I might give it a shot but none of the trailers has anything but the most painfully obvious comedy so probably not, really. Hell if Richard Ayoade needs work that badly I’ll gladly watch a new season of Darkplace or buy his books over again.

A lot of people on social media have refused to accept this win and insist on continuing to attack her, and guys, really just stop. What incentive is anyone ever going to have to reverse course from a bad decision like this again if it doesn’t change anything about their reputation? Let’s just focus on how Bill Maher

I’m not defending either account, but bear in mind that there were multiple takes and you’re only seeing one of them. So while her entire account certainly sounds very specious, this is not proof that it’s entirely false.

Now playing

Here’s the number in question. I dunno, maybe they used the gentlest takes in the film, but she and the towels she’s carrying are barely making contact with that door, and that punch is clearly a forced perspective type of stunt. I’m starting to wonder if Arnold Schwarzenegger even farted in her face.

It does sound like she’s allegedly making a grab for money or relevance by exaggeration in several directions?

This is a strange argument. Apatow’s responsible for finding funny people to be in his movies, and for making sure those people behave professionally during the movies. Brand is very funny in Forgetting Sarah Marshall, and none of the allegations here concern any conduct during the filming of an Apatow movie. I don’t

Unfortunately he was famous in the UK before Apatow introduced him to American audiences. 

It’s always the person you least suspect. Here, Brand is the person you most suspect, which makes you think you shouldn’t suspect him, which makes him the person you least suspect.