
Personally, I blame Cheadle for not using his Cockney accent in the narration for the cancellation.

Dule Hill didn’t get to show off his charm on Wonder Years.  I hope he gets more shows that let him use the light touch he showed on West Wing and Psych.

I’m sorry, the VMA’s are now considered the “highest level” for music/artists?

Oh sweetie, you’ll always be 2nd fiddle. 

Lol. Very refreshing to see somebody come in with a valid critique of the MeToo movement. I’m a woman with my own share of uncomfortable experiences and I quickly grew fatigued and, sometimes, annoyed by the tenor of MeToo conversations. Nuance matters and it seems that it was almost immediately declared anathema to

Leaving aside the anti-vaxx of it all, I do find it interesting that she’s finding more freedom and agency with a platform that essentially allows her to market and control her own content.

Got COVD very early on, and it’s taken 3 years for enough recovery to audition successfully. This chick is insufferable and an idiot. 

I read an interview with Ryan Reynolds years ago (pre-Deadpool) where he basically said, “I try not to be an asshole ‘cause people who are don’t seem to get much work in this town.”

It was such a simple statement, but I think about it a lot in instances like this.

Maybe next time don’t get your medical advice from an angry senile game show host.

Solid joke and I’m sorry for stepping on it, but honest I only know her from Joey.

Oof, what a martyr.

There were a lot of actors who fell into this “I’m not going to get vaxxed so I can’t work pool” and the reality is that some handled it with grace and humility and are back to work now and others burned all their bridges. 

indeed , the mandate was not that long. she acts like its been years upon years. And saying i am anti vax thats why they banned me. sounds the same like...i am not racist, its just freedom of speech.

The mandate was also only in effect for about a year for the film industry so it seems hard to believe that’s the only reason she was broke.

The Covid vaccine mandate was in effect for about a year. It is no longer an industry requirement.

OnlyFans of The Sopranos know who she is. 

MBA’ing 101: Remember, if you customers are happy and satisfied with your product or service they’re ripping you off.

It’s not coincidence that Disney seems to release a new Star Wars or Marvel show just as the last one is ending.

I would drop Max if they raised prices. The app has become borderline unusable since the update, just from a technical perspective, and the flood of garbage reality shows that get pushed to me when I do open the app now is actively making me use it less often. Were it not for the HBO and TCM content I would have

So the company that has a long history of making really dumb decisions regarding their content and streaming continues to make dumb decisions. Somehow I'm not surprised.