
The best move Fraser made was to not attempt in any way to recreate the Cheers vibe.  Cheers worked because its characters were all oddballs in their own ways, so following Fraser out into the world ended up about how you’d expect.

yeah the digital flatness and over-lighting looks bad

I don’t feel like the question of “can Frasier exist in 2023 is a concern. You just have to have the young-in’s spar back, just like they had characters to do so in the original. More crucially, the fact that it’s not a show running indefinitely on network TV means Frasier could actually be a less terrible version of

This feels a bit cringe. I’ll reserve final judgement for when it comes out because I really enjoyed the original show, but I’m not sure it’s going to work again.

There’s this weird valley, where they look lit up like a Disney show.

Oh man, you can really feel the David Hyde Pierce and John Mahoney shaped gap in these clips, no? I’m still rooting for this to be good, but they’re making it tough. 

My gut reaction is that this won’t work without Niles. But I remember hearing the same thing 30(!) years ago when people thought Frasier wouldn’t work without the gang at Cheers to bounce off of. I’m going to try and keep an open mind about it. 

I watched a lot of the first show as it had zero stakes and all the other actors were so good. But now there’s YouTube shorts about people walking bearded dragons on leashes.

And I’d add Roz as well, who apparently will only show up in this revival in a guest appearance. Niles, Martin and Roz were the best characters on the show by far.

The magic of Frasier was Frasier-Niles-Martin.

doesn’t look half bad, but it’s funny how these reboots already feel like a relic from 5-10 years ago. 

Absolutely gross, but I bet we’ll still see his defenders responding against this.

He expressed a desire to sleep with her and sent her a picture of a man with several penises in his mouth, 14 times.

Teenagers routinely get more views than that on YouTube making faces to music videos.

LOL I had to make sure it was the Matt Walsh from Veep and UCB not the horrid transphobic one from Twitter.

Who: Actor (How I Met Your Mother)

Hoping it’s good. Hooks crossed.

I enjoyed the Matthew Broderick appearance, though I hate to say it served as fluff, which has been a lot of this season. It’s like the Psych movies - less mysteries than checking in to see what the characters are up to these days. Which has its charm, but I kind of want to see the 3 of them solve a mystery.

I have nothing to offer except that Theo in his Nerd Glasses is Sexiest Theo. Damn.