
Good writing, like that, is why they should pay their writers. Still getting quoted regularly nearly 30 years later!

The writer minimum per show is a curious one from across the pond. A hell of a lot of UK shows, sitcoms especially, are written by one person, two or three at the utmost.

I get that a lot of American series have historically had a much higher episode count and in that instance more writers were needed, but as a lot of

“staying home”

If/when the strike ends the execs’ underlings are going to have the most awkward jobs imaginable. Working every day, often face to face, with people who openly wanted to destroy you -- not sure how you come back from that. Every studio-creative meeting post strike is bound to have serious “screw you” undertones. 

The studio heads haven’t been in the rooms until now. This whole meeting was a PR move so they can depict themselves as working *weally, weally hawrd* to get the strike over when, obviously, they’re the ones keeping it going.

I imagine there’s not much point in hiring professional negotiators if they have no authority to make concessions beyond what you’ve already offered. 

You mean they were typical rich, entitled assholes? Not Studio Heads!

As many terrible things as humans have done, I’m tired of the idea of nature as some kind of omnibenevolent god we’ve disappointed. Seems to me nature’s pretty amoral.

All I can think of when people float this idea is that I sincerely thought for years that Eric Cartman’s ridiculous anti-semitism was not a problem because anti-semitism was long gone. It seemed as ludicrous to me as his irrational response to hippies. Needless to say, I didn’t run in very Jewish circles.

Why is the show insisting on potential female killers like Loretta, Kimber, and Joy?

I haven’t seen either, but was planning to pick up A League of Their Own given how much I liked the movie and the positive reception the show’s been getting. I could buy the argument that multiple years between seasons is an issue from a production perspective, but that’s the case for ALL their original series.

This isn’t surprising or unreasonable on the part of Amazon. The strikes are a valid reason for them to rethink their production pipeline. You have to keep in mind that for Amazon these shows are products first and foremost. If there are delays to getting a product to market it’s perfectly valid for them to adjust

“pushing her social agenda”

It only alienates the intolerant.

Another right wing lie! 👍

I think the strikes accelerated the situation, but it’s more likely that this is the predictable result of Netflix and Prime spending ungodly amounts of money on original programming for way too long. I remember seeing some of these nine-figure budget announcements and wondering how the hell they could afford them.

Blue Beetle barely beats a movie that has been running for 3 weeks and is a huge flop.

Beetle Beats Barbie, Barbie Bleeds Badly

This may be what kills AI in the coming year or couple of years. People will make AI artwork but can’t make any money off of it.

I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I’m starting to feel like they could use some new punchlines and plot points on this show. Every time they draw out a joke this season I think, “Okay, that was funny at first, but I’m not sure I need five separate scenes trying to convince me that X joke is as funny as I thought.

Laszlo the Scientist is always good fun, but I like that they kept up with his vulva-themed topiary, and of course he wanks in the shed.