
Worth headline ever!

Barbie aside since it obviously made a ton of money, but this trend is one my theories as to why movie box offices are down. There’s little reason to go to a theater to see a movie when you can just wait a few weeks and watch it at home. Home entertainment equipment is good enough nowadays that its just not worth it

I’m not sure I can take the revelation that Oliver Putnam wrote a song that good.

Battleship was a sure-fire hit! It had a ready-made catchphrase and everything.

I mean, I’m glad he said it...but we all know this is exactly what’s going to happen. And then in 5-7 years, we’ll hear complaints from WB execs scratching their heads wondering why they just had a series of toy-based movies that flopped.

LOL, I’ve forgotten about that particular tidbit. You’re absolutely right. He’s talking to a cookie.

I’m pretty sure Rudd is talking to a cookie in the video, listen to it again “you shouldn’t be here, GO! no you’re just going to sit just there, acting all sweet, you’re bad” I’m guessing he’s talking to a cookie that may or may not be poisined

Aunt May isn’t Peter’s mother’s anything. May was married to Ben Parker, whose brother was Peter’s father.

Marisa Tomei was actually the first Aunt May that made sense on any kind of reasonable timeline. She was always depicted as 80-something, which makes no sense that she would be the aunt of a teenager. She’d be a grand-Aunt or great-grand-aunt the way she was always depicted in the comics. Marisa Tomei is a very hot

yeah when i go to the grocery store and pick a certain kind of milk i’m not ‘boycotting’ the other ones. 

Emmy Rossum being cast as Tom Holland’s mom in The Crowded Room, despite a less-than-ten-year age gap between the two.

I wouldn’t call it that, but it looked like something I could skip altogether. The first one was okish, but it was absolutely nothing special.

Amazing how we all just accepted for so long that there was apparently something like a 30 year age gap between Ben and Richard Parker.

She’s in her 50s, you know. An entirely appropriate age for the aunt of a high schooler.

Reasonably competent and entertaining, but not really doing anything to advance the form or make any kind of thoughtful statement. Which describes most movies, I suppose.

Right. Michelle’s character was supposed to be 16 or whatever, not 22. So if was playing her actual age of 37, she would have been 21 when she gave birth. That means her character was actually a few years younger than her real life age.

Better or worse than a 22 year old high schooler?

fans on X were quick to point out that the character Shelby was supposed to have served as a surrogate for Rachel’s dads when she was a teenager