
Why are women still second class citizen in nearly every country on the planet? They gave the Kens a seat at the Supreme Court. What more would they want? Full equality? Sorry, that doesn’t exist. I don’t expect the film to fix society. It’s pretty clear Gerwig’s trying to raise consciousness to the problem and gives

frivolous kids’ media

If we want Barbie to remain this special thing, we all should wait for inspiration to strike Gerwig a second time before returning to Barbie Land.

So each haunted mansion looks different and takes its style from different implied settings. The one in Disneyland is actually based on an estate in Baltimore, Maryland. The one in Disney World is supposed to be set in New Orleans, so Luke is not wrong there. That said, the look of the building is just meant as

The Muppets are really the perfect vehicle for an adaptation like this. They can easily manage the tonal shifts and 4th wall winking required and come pre-packaged with exactly what a ride most sorely lacks - beloved characters with actual personalities. Instead of trying to follow that with a “real” Haunted Mansion

The sequel to Barbie is Skipper. Everybody knows that.

For a ride set around New Orleans, the Haunted Mansion has always seemed extremely white

My suspicion is that filmmakers (or maybe just producers/studios) want their movies to feel more like big special events than mere films. Like, oh you can watch a shorter movie, but Oppenheimer (or insert your pick of way-too-long movie here) is something you’ve got to plan your day around which makes it feel like a

Despite their losses, Disney and it’s subsidiaries are still the highest grossing studio for 2023 YTD according to Box Office Pro (and their numbers seem to line up with other sources):

Yeah pirates managed to include a lot of "scenes" but it operates without any prior knowledge and features much original content which was the correct way to go.

“Brought to you by the same lighting levels you loved in Quantumania...”

The ride is great just because there is so much to look at you couldn’t catch it all in 10 trips. The effects are cool and sometimes a bit startling.  Just moving through the queue is fun.  I have zero interest in a movie based upon it and yeah, by breaking from the ride entirely the Pirates movies managed to avoid

I’m surprised! I think the joke works because of the classic misdirection setup and because it confirms that she’s human now, after explicitly stating she doesn’t have genitals earlier in the film.

I saw it this weekend while in Sweden and us three (only) Americans in the audience cackled at the last line, and the rest of the theater was dead silent. I think the American/Barbie cultural touch points maybe didn’t translate to the land of universal healthcare, body positivity, and gender equality. They LOVED the

Jesus Christ you couldn’t have put a spoiler alert?

really loving the evolution of the phrase “mic drop” to mean “the end of something”

While I loved the line, my theatre reacted to it like a wet fart, just pretending it didn’t happen and not making a sound. It was very very awkward.

It was the perfect ending to that movie.

I took it to mean she had become a real girl now and now had genitalia, AND a blow against being ashamed of your body.