
Also Duh Vinci Code, that darn katz, overclockwise, reincarnation, the prisoner of Benda, Near-Death wish, the thief of baghead (Calculon’s death always gets to me) and Meanwhile

At its best, Futurama was brilliant science fiction (they have handled time travel as well as anyone) which could also work as a parody and hit emotional notes. But even in its first run, there were stretches of middling episodes. There was never the consistency that you had with the first ten years of The Simpsons.

Not for a few months at least. The movies being released now were finished long ago, even with reshoots. Their will be less promotion, but that has been true since the actors went out a few weeks ago.

Oppenheimer was only 3 million less then Passion of the Christ and 9 million less then American Sniper.  That's so impressive to me for a movie as long, talkie, and grim as Oppenheimer.  Nolan better be bringing out the aged wine he earned it.  

Might be the last hurrah for a while if the strikes don’t get settled.

Why is it that the richest people are always the best examples of the failures of capitalism?

To be somewhat fair to the Zuck, Facebook didn’t change its name, only the company that owns it was changed. That’s par for the course for big companies with money-grubbing, fart-sniffing CEOs with too much time in their hands. But at least he didn’t outright murder established, enormously successful branding like

So he’s basically going to use a porno domain name.

Surest sign yet that Musk is surrounded only by yes-men who won’t push back on even the dumbest ideas.

We’ve created a society where the uber rich can make the stupidest fucking decisions imaginable, ruin people’s careers and lives, and never face any consequences.

The real problem with Disenchantment is they ditched the “gentle spoof of fantasy / medieval tropes” and the “lazy, drunken loser main character” concepts (along with most of the comedy) and it got darker and more serious and it was serialized. Aside from Bean making out with a mermaid and some steampunk shenanigans,

I had been holding out reservations for this new run because while having the cast return to voice their old characters is important, having the writing staff return is just as important in my mind. Sure David X. Coen and Matt Groening are the pillars of the show, but it was the writers room of the original FOX run

Comparisons to the Comedy Central run felt like best-case scenario, honestly. A mixed bag with topical episodes that had already aged poorly by the time they aired, but with a few modern classics, and if I get a couple more of those classics, then fine. I always said the show’s 2013 ending was perfect because it had

Gotta grade on a curve. A Futurama C is a B when judged against most other TV

It looks like they are leaning into a younger cast. I hope Adler and McNeill get some incidental characters as both are great talents.

Same. You can't say that and then not include a picture.

We all still have Zoidberg!

Anything with Zoidberg in it gets an automatic 10 from me. Bad reviewer! BAD!

It strikes me as amazing that this show can keep finding new ground to tread and new ways to shock laughs out of me despite basically working the same premise for five seasons.