
It really hurts to see people of his generation disappearing. Tony saw the horrors of war and fascism and told about his experiences. If people like him were still in charge, we wouldn’t be facing the disaster of Republican Party Trumpism.

A $100 million gross on a $15 million budget is far from unheard of, but it is unusually successful for an independent release, true. It would be informative to know just how much of that success comes from the “Pay It Forward” program and how much comes from repeat viewings or word-of-mouth sales.

It’s because the independent productions don’t have a contract with SAG-AFTRA; the billion dollar corporations -do-.

So here’s where I fall on it. I think it’s obviously true that since they are the ones making the product, they should be getting paid accordingly. But even knowing that, so many reality stars are genuinely horrible people, so it’s hard to really muster up any sympathy or goodwill for them.

We wouldn’t have Reality TV if Hollywood would have paid their writers back in the early 2000's. It was a last resort for producers to make money, it got lucky riding the wave of early social media as a form of entertainment and it resonated with a generation of Menopause Babies who thinks vaping and wearing cargo

“Cartoons are generally cheaper to make”

The decision to design an animated character so directly off the person voicing them is always going to trouble me. I just picture an artist showing the actor and saying “see? They look just like you!” super nervously. I always like to posit the Simpsons decline can be mapped against the increase of guest stars who

It would probably be easier to swallow if the actual underlying reason for it was more obvious: Netflix was operating at a big loss for a long time, but because they had continuous growth, investors were okay with waiting. Now the market is saturated, so investors want a return on their investment, which means cutting

They have always done that. Now they’re making customers pay more to have access to less content, and also even more if you don’t want to look at commercials, and also even more if you have friends or family members who don’t live in the same house as you, and also if you ever travel, fuck you, you can’t access the

Netflix used to cost less, be easier to access, and be friendly toward customers who travel.

I can understand arguing in favor of, for example, allowing a child going off to college to share a password without additional charge to the account, but the general vibe I get from these articles is “how dare they crack down on any password sharing with anyone??!?” Netflix is a huge corporation driven by the

The conversation in my house was, “screw this we’re canceling - wait new Witcher? Shit!” They timed that perfectly, tbh.

It’s as big as Marvel and DC

And then RDJ was in a little movie called Iron Man and Fallon got a talk show.

I wanted to set him on fire after watching Fever Pitch. Does that count?

In 2006, Fallon had done Taxi and Fever Pitch, neither of which set the world on fire. After 2006, he didn’t really have a leading role, and then he got Late Night in 2009. So it’s plausible to say that if Fallon had been in the Holiday, and it had still been a hit, he wouldn’t be a talk show host today.

Doesn’t matter. Don’t do stupid shit like this at shows.

They may have a full season in the can already. It isn’t like that is a difficult show to make or if anybody bothers with reshoots.

I believe unlikely since the stipulation of the tax writeoffs is they cant use/profit from them.

“Paranoid? Maybe. Possibly? Absolutely. My theory: the strike is intended to slow down/stop all forward movement for the Chosen series as well as the Resurrection movies,” wrote one Twitter user.