
What? The last two have been sub par for sure but this season has been as good as it’s ever been.

They’ve mentioned on the Always Sunny podcast that Day basically just helped come up with the idea and pitch it, then had nothing else to do with it since.

Who actually pays the residuals?

I think the mockumentary angle is just more absurdity because, of course, vampires want to remain hidden. Except these bumbling parasites don’t really worry about it much because they can simply hypnotise anyone observing them. I think Nandor actually hypnotises an entire football game, its onlookers and even the

Last season needed Colin, he balances the shows energy well, and it suffered with his absence. Seeing him in the episode made me really enjoy it again.

Perhaps it’s because I haven’t been paying as much attention to the AV Club as I used to (pretty obvious reasons), but I had no idea WWDITS was kicking off season 5. It’s my birthday, and this is a pretty excellent surprise gift.

They lampshaded the documentary thing in the movies and it was just ultimately used to show the disconnect between the vampires and reality. They did a bit over the credits where the audience was hypnotized to forget.

I probably could have listened to “Laszlo Tours the Mall” for another forty minutes or so.

To be fair, we have only the actors’ side of things on this

“I don’t think I need to pay these people who literally make my entire job and fortune possible. I’m going to keep squeezing every penny out that I can for myself, even though I already have more money than I could spend in 10 lifetimes.” 

“The endgame is to allow things to drag on until union members start losing their apartments and losing their houses,”

there’s huge collateral damage in the industry to people who are supportive services, and I could go on and on,”

I really don’t think “we made too much marvel stuff and people couldn’t keep up” is a real problem. There are pretty long gaps between shows and no real deadline for watching them all.

there has been a downward trend. each subsequent mcu entry used to do better than the last one in its series, and that’s not a guarantee anymore.

“Labor should not get what they want,” says capitalist piece of shit. Film at 11.

What I find funniest about that is that I can’t remember what the Disney remake is.

The fact that the strikes are making CEO’s this mad is a sign that they’re working.

Hey Bob — you BOUGHT Marvel!! That was your choice, and it’s made you and your company VERY RICH!!!

Christ, what an asshole. A walking testament to the need for unions. 

It’s funny that Iger forgets to mention that pumping out all those Marvel shows was his idea as part of the launch of Disney+