
Wednesday is a surprise (it’s not that funny)

Barsanti is the absolute worst. I defy you to find a worse writer on this site.

She was my #1 pick and I’m thrilled they made it happen. Kish, on top of being an excellent chef, has such a magnetic TV personality that just draws you in. She’s been great in every show I’ve seen her do. It’s a natural fit and Top Chef couldn’t have picked a better host.

Top Chef is a great show mostly because, unlike most reality shows (competition or otherwise), it’s not trashy. The contestants all want to see each other succeed and they’re constantly helping each other even though it does nothing for their own game. The worst part about Top Chef is the occasional sponsored

When Padma left, Kish seemed like the obvious choice to me. Glad to see that come to fruition. She was one of the most fun contestants to watch and in the years since, she’s built up quite the media resume.

I’ve never seen the show, but I ADORE Kish and her show on Nat Geo about restaurants at the ‘end’ of the world. Maybe I’ll dive into this too.

YES!! Excellent choice.

Seems like a good choice. She’s no Padma, but nobody could be.

I think Padma did a fantastic job, but I also think Kish is a stellar replacement.

I always interpreted the story to mean that Wonka sold normal, non-magical chocolate bars, and all of the magic stuff was suspected but not known to the general public. Which is why everyone wanted the golden tickets, to find out for sure. All of the magic candy in the factory was presented as a highly experimental

My problem with these stories is that, ok, was there an expectation that minors were going to be there at a party with adults (which is a bigger concern)? Was Jonah himself also drunk? unwanted contact is wrong either way, but it’s hard to weed out the perception from reality and if everyone was drunk, how can you real

I’m torn. On the one hand if Charlie and the Chocolate Factory needed a prequel, Dahl would have written one. On the other hand, it didn’t need a sequel and Dahl did write one.

Isn’t “failing to live up to its premise” part of the Project Greenlight brand? least Depp/Burton had a different take on the character. TC is pretty banal and milquetoast. And since this seems to be a prequel to 1971 film, I think comparison is fair game. He’s saying the words with none of the menacing spark that Wilder brought to the role. And magic? There was no magic in the world of


Chalamet has been great in everything I’ve seen him in but I’m now realizing that they’re 99% dramas and it really shows here

Yes. This looks like someone saw Burton’s version and said, “Sure, but can you make it more whimsical and twee???”

As someone who watched all the previous Project Greenlights, all the complaints made here (except the racial portion) were the same in the previous seasons. It was designed that way on purpose.

Welp, my hope for a 23 Jump Street is officially DOA. The last one elevated the dumb comedy genre with pointed self-awareness that made it both smart and hilarious. And Ice Cube’s performance? Perfection.

My eyes just rolled into the back of my head. What an abomination.