
Fuck, I guess that means The Great North is getting bumped to January in favor of Dan Harmon’s latest self-indulgent Krapfest.

I’m glad that Nimona was able to see the light of day despite the odds against it. I can tell you that as an artist who has worked on projects that have been quietly shelved, its a bummer when your work is not only not shown, but you can’t legally show the work you did on it.

Turning Red had a unique art and writing style compared to the rest of Pixar and Disney rewarded its innovation by pulling it from theaters and dumping it on a streaming service.

This article is probably a bit unfair to Pixar, who I would say still does a ton of work in character design, aesthetic, attention to detail...everything we want. Elemental seems more of an issue with the fact that someone greenlit yet another story of “What if X was actually a bureaucracy” or something, and the

Yes. I’d be curious to know how many people have seen Ninoma (recognizing that Netflix does not make that easy to know). It might be that Nimona — an unconventional animated movies with strong queer themes — is reaching a largely niche audience. That can make perfect sense for Netflix from a business perspective —

Similarly, with Lin Manuel Miranda doing all the music and every movie needing its own “Let It Go,” they’ve started to all sound the same, too. Makes me miss the days of Brother Bear where they’d take risks even if they didn’t pay off.

You beat me to it. Disney and Pixar animation both have utterly stagnated, being so beholden to their established brand and look. It’s animation! It can be anything, so why do the same thing again and again, stylistically? Even old school Disney recognized the importance of mixing up the visuals, and when you compare

This is comparing apples to oranges, to some degree, though, isn’t it? There’s a major difference in trying to release a film to theaters and dropping it on an in-house streaming service, not the least of which being the marketing costs.

A theatrical release requires a major marketing push.  A streaming service drop

Absolutely nailed it. I was going to come in here and make some similar points but I don’t think I can do it as astutely as you did.

Jonah Hill made certain demands in the relationship. Those demands were bad: super unreasonable, petty, controlling, and born of deep insecurity. You could even argue they were misogynistic or narcissistic; that’s all fine. And for his own sake, if nothing else, Hill needs to get over whatever is making him this way.

The phrase “emotional abuse” always raises an alarm for me. Not that it doesn’t exist, but the range of different things that could be described by different people as “emotionally abusive” more or less guarantees that it will serve as a catch-all term for a lot of things that most people would not consider to be that.

Well we’re comparing a nut job with an antisemitic school with no windows to a nut job who has an arcade and choo-choo train

[citation needed]

Um, we’re not going to talk about how fractured the world is, in Barbie’s universe? TF is going on with the continents? Why is America at the North Pole? WTH happened to Africa? Did it split into two continents like scientist are suggesting? Is Australia underwater? Are people living on boats? Does Barbie live in

The headline matches the body.  Murphy is defying the strike beyond what most anyone else is doing, and then this one guy made a potentially actionable claim that may have been false or may just not be provable enough to risk a libel case against a much, much, much richer person, so he withdrew it in the face of

What is this article? Did Murphy threaten his crews? Did Leight make the whole thing up or cite a bad source? At the very least, there seems to be a pretty big disconnect between the headline and the body.

Yeah, this is a stupid non-controversy. Look at the similarly-styled meandering dashed line going from what seems to be North America to the green-colored Greenland (the only landform that looks like its real-life map representation, oddly enough). They’re obviously itinerary/route lines a la old-timey/fictional pirate

The funniest thing about this whole thing is that one of the many jokes on the map is that it very obviously has rotated Eurasia 90º. Which makes the line coming out of Russia, not China. It can still intentionally be a 9 Dash Line joke, and I think it probably is, but the entire map is clearly bonkers.

There have been a lot of people making these comments in real time. People just decided they didn’t care. It’s not like she received no backlash at the time. The allegations against her came up years ago and she managed to get them silenced. Similarly, she used to post a lot of videos with her then husband where she

Yep. It’s fucking pathetic.