
I’m happy you said this! I’ve been confused about what CW is trying to for awhile. Yes your demographic is older - but they are watching the shows you have on air! Granny enjoys the Riverdale sex! Why would you get rid of all those shows and replace them with things you “think” 50+ year olds want to watch?

There’s actually a solid (and very dumb) basis for why this ridiculous idea was considered.

Superhero stories in general have a perhaps unresolvable thematic conflict with the police. There’s no real way to remove the subject of vigilantism from the equation. Regardless of whether a police force is portrayed as purely good or almost entirely corrupt, the message is that they’re unable to handle the level of

Bad news I guess but you could see it coming for a variety of reasons. One being the ratings numbers mentioned above but also, the show had run its course. They had wrapped up every story introduced over the course of the show’s run and covered all the details of Rock’s life before entering Hollywood, which was what

From the article it sounds like Schumer wrote Barbie to be an ambitious inventor, which is pretty feminist. But then she was disappointed by the subsequent rewrites that dumbed the character down, making it less feminist. So Schumer was asked to leave the project because her version was not feminist, even though she

NBC/Peacock were probably put off by a league of their own not being a hit for Amazon.

Oh yeah, everything Miguel is yelling at Miles about on the train is absolutely an allegory for the racism the character faced.

I personally am trans, so I’m primed to look for it. But yeah, the argument that Gwen is personally trans is not compelling.

People see what they want to see and that’s not always a bad thing. Coming out stories have had a lot of weight for a long time and when you’ve come out in some way or you want to come out or whatever else, you can find representation and strength in that and sometimes that’s exactly how it’s intended. But that

Thank you,

There’s a difference between identifying with a character and projecting on a character.

Much love to the trans community but this ain’t it.

As a CIS white guy I always worry about venturing into this kind of discussion and I haven’t seen the movie yet (Monday!). But the evidence above seems pretty unpersuasive and it’s not hinted at anywhere else in her character. Having to hide half your life from your loved ones is a recurring theme of Spider-man (and

Evans was good casting, and the origin story allowed his character to have an earnestness to the role.

I think the Captain America films were the most “consistent” of the MCU, so I hope this can shake off the somewhat uneven phase 4 and be a bit of a hit.

I mean, sure, but...

Every MCU fanatic in the world should be furious that Disney, of all companies, would allow this to happen.

This is somewhat true in movies, a little more true in ad free streaming, and extremely true in network TV or anything else supported by ads.  I really think a lot of execs feel like the only purpose of entertainment is to sell ad time.

I mean yes, but also SAG’s own press release/tweet is calling it solidarity, so while it might not have gone through solely for that reason surely that is a reason for the massive approval of the authorization.

Of course they will. They’re different unions. They can’t cut a deal along with the WGA. SAG has different members, different needs, and different goals.