
Which I’m afraid is why the show still exist. Network television mostly retain the same boring, filtered, no risk to appease their most loyal consumer, a 30-50 years old person that used to consume the same shit when they’re at younger age. Most of them just tune on the show because it’s safe and if it’s entertaining

Apparently he insists everyone read from cue cards, ostensibly so no one ad libs or goes off script, but my god it kills the comedy, because the sight lines are off and the reads are horrible because everyone is focusing on the cards and not the sketch.  

Lorne Michaels has been what’s holding the show back from being truly great for decades now. Yes, when he left for a few years in the 80s the show sucked, and maybe he was needed to course correct for a while, but he’s become the old guard, afraid to take risks, and there’s no fucking excuse for giving Trump a

I don't care either way wrt CK.  I agree he's a great artist but he made his bed so he has to lie in it.  Capitalisim cuts lots of different ways.  

Most startling piece of information in this article is they made FIVE Pirates of the Caribbean movies(?!)

i really think gore verbinski was the special sauce to this franchise, not depp.

well i mean, this was a movie based on an amusement park ride to begin with.

Ah another sequel, why not just reboot it while you are at it.

Hmm. I need more evidence to confirm, but the trend that’s starting to emerge is that people like Spider-Man

“so it’s not surprising that we are returning to a model similar to traditional television”

I can’t. I think having a brain would preclude such an action.

And remember: when VHS came out and people taped their favorite shows, networks wanted to somehow disable that feature, because of lost revenue.

Turns out moviegoers really like Spider-Man. Who could have predicted that?

Keep in mind that Disney+ lost the company over half-a-billion dollars in the last quarter. The same quarter the previous year, D+ lost $887-million.

It’s been a long while since I’ve dealth with any of this so I could be very wrong...

Kramer: It’s a write off for them.
Jerry: How is it a write off?
Kramer: They just write it off.
Jerry: Write it off of what?
Kramer: They just write it off!
Jerry: You don’t even know what a write off is, do you?
Kramer: No. Do you?
Jerry: No I don’t!!

Before the Internet it was quite normal to not be able to rewatch previously aired content. If it wasn’t being taped by the producers or the audience, it was effectively gone forever after airing.

As a writer and former film professional myself I hate to admit this, but this really isn’t any different than back in the days of television, is it not? Most shows weren’t on VHS, and DVD was an unexpected second life. And most shows never go to syndication. They go on for a few years and then get cancelled, half of

Professor, what’s another word for pirate treasure?”

I wish Netflix and other streamers embraced more short-form, big-swing, niche shows that cost little but really just go for it. I Think You Should Leave’s success hasn’t seemed to generate any like-minded series, unfortunately. Would love more of this. Especially for things that are designed to not outstay their