
Red Forman: “Dumbass.”

Whatever their review weighting system is, it can’t possibly be worse than letting randos on the internet determine the score 

I saw the movie and McCarthy is more or less just CGI. Sure the actual makeup needed to be minimal.

I’m hoping this is the dumbest thing I read this week, but sadly am not optimistic.  

What, so we should only hire Klingons to apply Klingon makeup now?! I don’t know about that. Makeup seems like something a Romulan petaQ would use! They are without honor. How I yearn for an opportunity to slay a Romulan in would be glorious! My blade would sink deep into the flesh of my enemy, and all

Luck felt like a movie written by an AI with the parameters “Pixar movie, tik tok, plays well in China”

I was thinking more along the lines of “Guess Who’s Flowing to Dinner.”

The film centers on an immigrant community of Fire people working to establish their own identities in a version of New York City largely controlled by a majority population of Water folk, with a relationship between a young Fire woman, played by Leah Lewis, and a Water guy, played by Mamoudou Athie, at its center.

People discussing films is overrated

I love how the writer couldn’t figure out any way to make him sound wrong about any of this, so he’s just hoping presenting the quotes on their own along with an insulting title will be enough. And to show just how right Tarantino is, just look at how Arnold Schwarrzenegger himself has just put out basically a True

The crux of all this, of course, is the fact that, at least from a consumer-facing point of view, there really was no reason to rush any of this; nobody except WBD execs have been clamoring for the studio to slam HBO Max and Discovery+ together, and especially not in so shoddy or slapdash a manner.

Third option- no one with oversight over the IT folks gave a flying fuck about whether or not “creators” were respected with proper credits.

nobody except WBD execs have been clamoring for the studio to slam HBO Max and Discovery+ together

Frankly, I believe the excuse that IT wasn’t given any guidelines and their work was rushed through. I’ve worked places where things like that happen.

Justice will not be done until Satan’s name is rightfully restored as the chief creator of 90 Day Fiancee.

I thought they did it to lump Union and Non-Union ‘ creators’ all together in some kind of strike breaking category.

So either:

Pretty sure anyone who’s ever written a line of SQL knew exactly how this situation came to be.

What a shame that we don’t have many decades’ worth of pre-existing entertainment, more than anyone could realistically consume in a lifetime. 🤔 Alas

Yeah, I was gonna say... er? Deadpool mask? ADR later?