
those movies are between 16 and 30 years old, there’s a whole new generation for whom this is a new idea.

I think Greta and Noah are both smart enough to know that the template of sorta is out there, so I’m really hoping they’re saving the angle they’re taking in the matter is something they’re not pushing to the forefront of the marketing. I hope.

I still don’t know what to make of this movie, but it’s a big swing and I have to respect that.

I feel like the outcome here is binary.  It will succeed in being clever and subversive, or just fucking suck.

Possible LGTBQ+ jokes that may not age well in a few years”

Middle aged Barbie makes more sense for a woman with 500 jobs and 200 degrees. She’s experienced and in control of her life, but not some pushover kid. I like that she doesn’t mess around and Ken is the himbo. This movie actually looks funny.

I would have at least hoped that Sesame Street alumni were afforded a certain respect because people grew up with them, but nowadays I bet families were like “Ahhhh! Turn that off before my kid realizes Puerto Ricans are humans!”

My nephew watches pirated episodes of anime on YouTube that have been mirrored, put in a weird split-screen, and broken up into 3-minute segments to beat the copyright detection. These kids are living like fucking animals. 

the current gen-z version of pirating is googling “123movie john wick” or whatever and then watching it in a horrific 480p quality with ads burned into the subtitles. hopefully this will push them to find a friend with a decent plex server lol

But for parents sending their kids off to college, this means another expense.

And, I don’t feel it is wildly inappropriate to note, probably the nicest legs in the entertainment industry for about 40 years. 


It’s the fact that the execs are getting rich off the backs of artists. Getting annoyed that Netflix is cracking down on password sharing is a totally separate argument. They could continue to let customers do what they’ve been doing and still be profitable. Also, they could have just done it in a better way.

This is the kind of move that may bite them is the ASSetts. 

Good, piss off the whole industry so there is more solidarity between everyone. If they all strike the execs have to back down.

I’m pretty sure if the DGA goes on strike, that means even stuff like reality TV will have to shut down, right?

That wasn’t an error, that was testing the waters.

Dunno about how much excellence is involved in a story that’s complete bullshit. But I definitely agree about the double standards and racism. We’re only getting better very... very... very... VERY slowly in this racket.