
“We are unaware of any legal right that a company has to operate its own government or maintain special privileges not held by other businesses in the state. This lawsuit is yet another unfortunate example of their hope to undermine the will of the Florida voters and operate outside the bounds of the law.”

This is hilarious. Nobody at Disney went, “Hey maybe the reason the photorealistic Lion King seemed like a good idea* is because lions are beautiful to look at” and now they’re in the position of having to reckon with the fact that most things under the sea look disgusting and weird.

Flounder (character) isn’t a flounder (species) and never was. The new one looks like they modeled him after a sergeant major, a very common species of damselfish one sees all over reefs in the tropical Atlantic.  Pretty accurately I might add.

It’s because G/O media would rather no one engage at all and just click on the ads plastered all over the most mobile-unfriendly site on the internet.

This site is so badly designed. I tabbed back to this, read it and saw there were no comments. So before moving on I refreshed it to see if anyone had a funny take on these CGI creatures.

I question the wisdom of striking right after companies start releasing AIs that can do 80% of your job nearly instantly. 

With whole seasons written and produced before being released all at once, we won’t see midseason shifts or disappearances.

Why, my uncle Thumper had a problem with his apostate, and he had to take these big pills and drink lots of water.


#metoo was all about exposing abuses and the systems that enable them to thrive. Add in the terminally online (a good portion of which are not terribly bright or well adjusted), and the “discourse” amongst the rabble became a fight over who could vent their respective id loudest. As it always fucking does.

“But, again, a lot of people have gotten swept up in ‘cancellation’, and I worry about that; it’s unsustainable, in a way,” Ringwald asserts. “Some people have been unfairly canceled and they don’t belong in the same category as somebody like Harvey Weinstein.”

She went public on the internet with a nuanced take on a subject?! What an absolute fool!

I've seen some try to say that the fact Tucker was simply cosplaying as a white supremacist, mitigates his bullshit. To me it's actually worse.

That’s a shame but I echo what everyone else is saying - it doesn’t work without Cage. 

I’m a big fan of the original two movies and gave it a shot. I don’t think I got past episode 5. It didn’t work without Cage. The new cast was alright, but it felt like the show suffered from two completely opposite problems. The problem of making characters act dumb for the sake of the plot or the characters knew

Also the Bruckheimer-ness of it. The scene in the beginning where they are gleefully throwing black powder around an icelocked boat just made me laugh so hard because it really seemed like they worked backward from “how can we make this ice-locked boat spectacularly explode?”

But there’s still hope for the Sorcerer’s Apprentice show I assume is in the works, right?

Really was rooting for this, but it was mediocre.

National Bummer, dude

There was only one musical TV series that truly earned its existence, and that was Galavant. I’m still quite upset about it ending. Every single song was so well written and performed, and if there are any fans of this (about 15, I hear), then you should check it out and join us other 15 Galavant fans. We could double