
This seems like it would piss off distributors of arthouse/oscar bait movies more than streamers. You know, the ones who do a limited one week release in NY/LA so they can be considered for a nomination.

Motherfucker should’ve been Gitmo’d two years ago for what we all watched him do with our own eyes. Hopefully this is just breaking the dam and Jack Smith and the state of Georgia bring the flood.

I loved going to PAX and E3. PAX worked out since I live near PAX South but that has been canceled indefinitely. 

Companies have figured that out too and didn’t want to pay employees to travel just to catch up with their friends.

Yeah, this is needed but still disappointing.

I feel like the various PAX’s have largely replaced E3. I always see lots of announcements of new games whenever they have one.

I get why companies prefer to just do their own thing now, but E3's demise does make me a bit sad. 

Just imagine if the original comment was two sentences.

Honestly, the main issue with the series was mainly the gay panic for laughs. How the show treated Chandler for not being a “macho man” was bad even back then.

Marvel’s herky-jerky and underwhelming Phase 5.”

While Quantumania is indeed “Phase 5,” it is the first movie in that phase, so I’m guessing you meant 4 there.

Very sorry to the other 6,999 employees that are losing their jobs, but he can rest in piss.

Toth worked as an agent at CAA for years and served a whole roster of A-listers, but left the agency to become head of content acquisitions and talent at Quibi in 2019. “Leaving his position at CAA to join Quibi was a huge gamble. At the time, Reese asked Jim if it was worth the risk, but he said he was up for the

I think the episode runtime creeping upwards has been one element of it. Episodes in the first 8 seasons are always a tight 30 minutes or a little under. Season 9 onwards, they creep up to 40, sometimes nearly 50 minutes. It throws the flow off a bit. Probably not helped that the show is never scripted traditionally,

In a since-deleted Curb Your Enthusiasm”

Or the show tapped into a lack of moral grounding and distrust of institutions in society that was relatively nascent in the 90s but came violently to the surface in later years. In that sense, it’s weird watching X-Files through post-Trump, post-Q, post-everything eyes and realizing what was entertainingly spooky

Yeah...I’m not the deepest X-Files fan, but while Mulder was a conspiracy nut he wasn’t exactly a rube who uniformly bought into all of them.

Go back and re-read your comment. Mulder was most of an empiricist, because virtually everything he believed in he (and we) saw immediate firsthand evidence of it existing, and QAnon’ers have, to date, seen 0.0% of QAnon.

It was literally the same week after the congressional testimony of the Facebook whistle-blower and when The Facebook papers got published. And it worked. The media stopped talking about the whistleblower and all of the congressional hearings and focused on the Meta rebrand.

Nothing in this trailer makes me think Elemental will be inspired. It seems to be a hodgepodge of many other Pixar and Disney movies (Inside Out, Cars, Zootopia, Soul). Also, The Good Dinosaur was the bottom of the barrel for Pixar movies IMO so that’s not great.

Honestly, I think a lot of people still have FOMO from the dot com bubble. At the time the whole marketing pitch was “were going to be on the internet, which is the future, and thus we’re gonna make money” and people were throwing money at anything that was online. And while most of those places were run by people