
Someone better plugged in and/or with a better memory and understanding can correct me, but it always seemed to me like the metaverse hysteria began in earnest when Zuckerberg rebranded his company Meta, and that seemed to me like an obviously desperate attempt to change the narrative at a time when the company was

He looks like a kid at first communion.

Outside the jazz soundtrack the movie sucks.  Honestly no complaints from me remake it all you please. 

Now she gets a chance to really show her range. Instead of sitting there laughing on cue, she might get to stand up and laugh.

Production seasons, likely. Lots of reality shows have multiple seasons in a year. Years are also known to have at least 4 seasons, it is currently Spring.

That’s fine. They can replace her with a dolphin.

Does the term “season” mean something different than it’s always meant? There is no way a show that’s only been on since 2011 can have 30 seasons. Someone isn’t using that word correctly.

Looks like she’s at the ‘my client wants a vanity credit’ phase of her career. I’m surprised she didn’t go for the trifecta with directing as well... when you direct, you get that nice press photo of yourself looking all professional in the video village while an overworked A.D. pulls their hair out in the background.

The future isn’t a boot stomping on a human face forever, it’s a person watching a video of someone watching a video of someone watching a video of someone watching a video...

I think they threw it up on both CC and MTV because Paramount has no ideas left and they can make a billion dollars from having a former skateboarder and a girl who laughs a lot look at internet videos for an hour

Comedy Central’s Ridiculousness

I think Roger Ebert had a rule that was something like, “No good movie is too long and no bad movie is short enough.”

I’ve said that for a while. Working with celluloid film is time-consuming and much more expensive that digital film. Studios had a financial incentive to keep films shorter. Now that incentive doesn’t exist.

I just assume it’s a kind of arrogance where the studio or filmmaker assumes their product is awesome enough to warrant 2+ hours of running time. Most movies these days are not that good. I almost get excited when I see a new movie in the 90 minute ballpark.

My wife complains when a film approaches the two-hour mark. I used to argue that it if the movie remained interesting, it didn’t matter how long it was.

I think there’s pressure to make the audience feel like they got enough film for the money.

Same. I haven’t watched RRR yet, for example, because while I know I’ll probably love it, the run time is just so, so daunting.

With a trip to the movies costing what it does, I think there’s pressure to make the audience feel like they got enough film for the money.

a big part has to be digital filmmaking too right? easier to shoot more, easier to edit what you’ve shot, harder to kill your babies.

No, it merely felt like three hours.