
With SUCCESSION back, I have gotten the same enthusiasm back I had when a new season of MAD MEN, SOPRANOS and the woefully short DEADWOOD. But I forgot until tonight the language of filming SUCCESSION uses. The zoom cuts to characters faces, the camera pivoting left to right and back between conversations, the near

PETA is absolutely right about this though. We’ve had the technology to completely recreate horses via special effects for nearly 50 years now, and Hollywood still refuses to commit to it

It’s a comic book multiverse story. If he totally self-destructs irl, a new actor could be Kang for the rest of the saga and say “Variant!” to explain it all away. It would be a shame to lose Majors, but I’m tired of celebs getting free passes on domestic violence charges.

God. Fucking. Fuckedy. Dammit. Fucking God fuck fuck fucking shit. Fuck.

Yeah, JFK’s shtick will get old quick if we get too much of him. 

I really liked Gandhi in the original show. Him missing is going to hurt the reboot. He was the tritagonist and the basis for quite a few A and B plots. I really hope they don’t try to put JFK in his place as part of the reason his character is great is that they used him sparingly.

Your local classicist here who just wants to be pedantic that saying Cleopatra was a ‘woman of colour’ (at least by modern standards) is really difficult given that she was not ethnically Egyptian but Macedonian and her dynasty was pretty incesty,  meaning she likely resembled Alexander the Great more than Ramses II.


0:22:: Pikachu, until become a Pokemon Master, you’ll always be by my side, won’t you?

Yeah I mean they really had three options for Ash - 1) never end his story (what they’ve been doing until now and what The Simpsons is still doing), 2) end it in some triumphant way where he finally becomes a Pokemon Master, or 3) exactly what they did, the implication that he’s still doing his thing and we just

Most definitely. A brilliant movie.

Blazing Saddles is really sort of a unique success, those parody movies are usually such a mess, and it is not NOT a mess, but there is a discipline and pace and quality to it that puts it over. I imagine having a great writer helped.

Blazing Saddles alone is a greater contribution to cinema than many lauded screenwriters are able to manage in their entire careers. Based on the quotes and anecdotes in this article, he was also just a real mensch as well.

The mo’ Braff the mo’ betta’!

FlorPu is quite funny. Tempted to just watch her scenes with Hailee Steinfeld from Hawkeye instead of this

It’s hard to do a show about a family because you have to keep inventing reasons for the kids not to leave, even though they’re all adults. I think the daughter is supposed to be in college but she still lives in the mom’s house with her husband and kid. The goofball son is in med school (!?!) but still lives in the

It’s not contradictory -- she’s saying that nobody OUTSIDE the production needs to know the details, which is absolutely valid.  She’s also saying that the people INSIDE the production finally listened to the problems, which is also valid.

I just can’t believe this show is still on.  I remember watching it when it first came on, seems like a completely different world today.  I swear it was 20 years ago!

~The A.V. Club

Of late?

“But also... isn’t Zegler like 19?”