
Well, she is young and hot

Don’t be mad about the overwhelming racism that appeared in the performance

I don’t really get this controversy. I thought the performance at the Oscars was supposed to be reminiscent of the song in the movie. In the movie, the two Indian actors danced with all white characters.

If its a celebration of energetic young people expressing themselves through the beauty and urgency of vigorous dance, they nailed it!

So the producers asked the stars of the movie to perform this dance. They declined, saying there wasn’t enough time to learn the Oscar’s version. So the producers got other dancers, who were not the stars of the movie, to learn this dance from scratch, in what must have been even less time, which they did. And then

If white people are involved, it’s racist.

When you consider that Indians are Asians it becomes even more jarring that this years show is specifically getting criticized after Everything Everywhere was celebrated SO heavily.

Wait tho... the actual performers felt they didn’t have time to prepare and the choreographer selected dancers they were familiar with that were coincidentally non south-asian.... What did they want to happen here? It sounds like the options they would have preferred was either thrusting indian dancers into an

Hollywood awarded 2 asian actors and a movie that represents asian-american culture with 7 oscars.

Wonder how much trawling of the internet it took to find somebody who didn’t like the fun dance number cos something something racism? Gotta generate that content and engagement somehow, even if it makes American Liberalism look utterly histrionic.

Seriously. Take a day off.

I don’t consider a movie truly a best picture unless it wins a Nickelodeon Kid’s Choice Award. You ain’t a winner in my book until you get slimed 

The problem is the gestation period is being cut short. As we saw with Top Gun 2, the legacyquel has to marinate for more than 30 years to succeed. If Space Jam 2 or this movie would have just waited another decade or so, I’m sure they’d be great. In fact maybe Good Burger 2 will spend the next ten years in

Latter day AV Club writer has gall to complain about syntax.

In the end, the only real judge of this performance is the MTV Movie & TV Awards.

As a child of the 90s, I can now confidently say that we are a blight on society and must be destroyed.  First Space Jam 2 and now this.  Boomers may be killing the Earth but Millennials are trying to make it not worth saving faster.

I imagine the only difference would be that m all the pre-recorded bits were ones that had previously aired. They do that all the time already.

If they’ve ever had one, it was an exception. They were doing shorts during the first season. 

Am I a bad person for wanting to see what would’ve happened with the strike?

Fucking Florida...