
Oh shocking a working actor took a job for work. This isn’t a burn as anyone who is or knows an actor knows. Plus what about this: “I loved the first movie, and the fact that they even wanted me to come in for a callback and then a camera read and then everything in between, I’m so lucky that I got this job,” Zegler

Someone at Ticketmaster realizes $10 on every ticket sold is better than $0 dollars, but not as good as $20. News at 11.

I was amazed by the first movie’s side plot about Billy’s birth mother. Both that it was a dark but realistic place, and that they handled it so sensitively. It was an odd fit with the tone of the movie but paid off for me.

The boardroom scene too - MUCH darker than most of the rest of the movie.

I’m quite sure nobody’s decision to subscribe to Disney+ is make or break based on the Willow reboot series. Streamers have pretty surgical data about the exact ways subscribers watch things...and I don’t find it hard to believe that a high fantasy series based on an obscure 35-year-old riff on Lord of the Rings would

oh for fucks’s your star


Hmm, I’m not seeing the remastering detail very well - it looks the same as it ever was.

Maybe the numbers weren’t that good. The show is pretty meh. It didn’t really set the world on fire. Cancelling an expensive show that doesn’t get many steaming views is exactly how a streaming service works.

As a back-door pilot for a Gideon the Ninth series it had its moments, but “tonally uneven” is about the most generous description I could give to it, and a lot of it was just flat out bad.

I’d say the first season tells a pretty complete story with some unresolved threads that would lead into the next season.

anachronistic speech

Our government unsurprisingly failed to stop Ticketmaster from creating a monopoly when they merged with (purchased) LiveNation. Live Nation was on the venue side owning and/or operating countless venues around the country and acting as a tour production company. So yeah, basically you can’t get tickets to much

Now playing

In many US markets there is no other platform as Ticketmaster has bought them out. They leave the old name to give the illusion of choice, but there really is only one place to go and that’s through them.

Exclusivity agreements with venues and labels, I’d imagine.

Huh? She’s not a porn star. The only thing heterosexual men gave a shit about regarding her was the sex tape, and she didn’t see anything from that. She made money off her lifestyle brands which mostly appealed to women wanting to be like her.

This is the best take I’ve seen.

This is largely my take, too. The sex tape was a horrible invasion. I had no idea that South Park episode ever existed, but yeah it was probably in poor taste. But then again South Park’s stock and trade is poor taste a lot of the time. But as for a wholesale reappraisal, that’s a harder sell for exactly the reason

Quite literally on the Kardashian front. Kim used to be Paris’ stylist and personal assistant. 

The South Park guys also wrote the era’s most sympathetic portrayal of Britney Spears in a prescient and disturbing episode around this same time. It’s fine to culturally reappraise someone down the line, but not everyone can be painted with the same brush. Two things are true about Hilton: she was unfairly demonized