
You mean like a contractor’s estimate? Those are always quite reliable.

I couldn’t stop laughing through the sketch, which is a very unusual response watching, you know, Saturday Night Live. The Mario Kart sketch was fine. They did a similar thing with the Oscar The Grouch sketch a few years ago. Once you take a beloved children’s entertainment and turn it dark, it can lose its luster if

How do you do a review (btw, did I miss the grade somewhere in there?) and not include the actual best sketch of the night; Wing Pit.

“It’s a me... Mario...”

The CGI in the Mario thing was fucking awesome...did they just take the stuff from the trailer and change it? I’m not sure if Lisa Temecula was helped by all the breaking or hurt by it, but at least the people breaking were IN THE SKETCH as opposed to Jimmy Fallon nearly ruining cowbell when he only had a few lines

I absolutely loathe the 2002 movie for a myriad of reasons (as alluded to in the article, it’s an absolute hot mess of tonal battles between execs wanting wholesome Scooby-Doo and whatever James Gunn was trying to write), but absolutely zero fault lies with Linda Cardellini and Matthew Lillard, who were perfection as

And meanwhile, we now have the Velma show trying to make a big deal about how it’s finally letting Velma be gay...except it got beat to the punch by the main franchise in the most low-key, normalized way imaginable.

Linda Cardellini as Velma really changed the perception of that character. Great casting. The live action Scooby Doo actually is  pretty fun

I would have imagined that there were a lot of people keen to see the original cast, I guess we’ll see how well it goes with the new one, especially if they wind back the appearances of the That 70's Show cast.

when these movies work, the appeal to me is that they make me feel like a kid again.

I thought we all moved on from the notion that racy content aimed at older teens is more sophisticated than content intended for all audiences.

I agree in the sense that g ratings or animation as a medium immediately signal to people that something’s childish or for kids, and that if we expand our palates we can encourage artists to color outside the lines and all collectively level up in the art we produce and consume.

I have no problem if someone decides Marvel movies are “not for them”, but I do kinda find it annoying when people affirm that something is specifically “for children”. It’s kinda like what the last Disney CEO said regarding animation. Just because something can be enjoyed by a wide age range, doesn’t mean it’s

I wish people would stop insinuation that family friendly means “made for kids”. Just because something doesn’t drop an F-bomb every scene, and contain several liters of various bodily fluids every episode doesn’t mean it’s “for kids” This is the kind of stale thinking that’s preventing all the different forms of

So this is what the Reddit comments kept vaguely referring to.

It’s pretty rough so far. de Beaufort and Lucretta are playing way too broad. Talwalker’s character offers nothing of interest yet. The laugh track feels more fake than usual. Rauch’s take doesn’t quite fit; maybe if she dials back the cheeriness...?

Chapter 14: For Like a Full Year, People Everywhere Told Me I Should Have Shrunk Down and Entered a Homicidal Alien’s Asshole and Then Exploded Out of His Colon.

Lady Bird.

Take that, Guernica!

Besides the ones mentioned above