
In the interview it’s clear that’s what he means. He wants his friend to be innocent because he wants to believe he didn’t do these things but that Masterson should be punished if he did. Of course, being found innocent wouldn’t mean Masterson wasn’t guilty, but Kutcher is basically saying, “I’ll go by whatever the

Well, if this doesn’t just kill the genre outright, we’ll know that it’s an indestructible cockroach.

Only in an internet comments section could Tom fucking Brady be reduced to a “pseudoscience promoting jackass.” I hate the dude with a fiery passion but there’s significantly more to him than that.

Ah, good ol’ legend of stage and screen, Rita Lorena.

i know this comes down to personal ethics, but a few years ago, even for stuff i pay for (netflix, etc) if i like something, i download it and back it up offline on a hard drive. i’ve even backed up articles, podcasts and some youtube videos.

I guess shows have been disappearing for as long as there have been shows. But streaming definitely have the impression of permanence.

This is one dogshit era for the stewardship of art.

Kidding, the show that reunited Gondry and his Eternal Sunshine star Jim Carrey, never received a home video release, presumably, because those making it assumed it would be available on its exclusive home of Showtime.

This becoming the norm is extremely shitty and disturbing.

Once again Dave Bautista proves himself to be one of the most self-aware, realistic, humble and level-headed A-listers working today. May his career be long, successful and varied

Just because a controversial opinion or idea is held by a large number of people doesn’t make it any less controversial. Furthermore, define “fairly sizeable portion of America” for me, because most of the true anti-vaxxers are associated with fringe groups, which by definition, are not a sizeable portion of America.

Being anti-vax is unforgivable in my view. It is effectively anti-modernity and shows you really do not want to be part of our culture. It also guarantees a huge level of hypocrisy, since invariably you completely depend the advantages that modern life gives you (like being able to post your idiotic ideas on the World

He has had plenty of time to respond. “I am very pro-vaccine - I believe Pfizer makes monstrous profits that hurts people”  There, done.

Is it really controversial for him to have opinions that are shared by a fairly sizeable portion of America?

In the current context, calling out Pfizer super vaguely without context doesn’t scream pro-vaccine.

he’s jew-ish

Changes his name from Pugh to Levi to get roles...then watches Florence Pugh get an Academy award nomination and star in Marvel projects. 

I’m a big fan of Jordan. But even he couldn’t save last night’s dreary episode. Best sketch was “pretapped” - Jake from State Farm. Beyond that, it was all lousy.

Can we stop with the old “good host / bad writing” saw? Jordan was fine. He was game, but he wasn’t great. That’s about all you want from a host, but to say he stabilized or anchored anything is not a useful or accurate piece of criticism.