
She realized she couldn’t top the Weird Al movie.

I look forward to the halcyon day upon which 80% of pop music is owned Heinz, or something.

But didn’t you go see it?

It kicked ass & made people feel feelings. Not every Best Picture nominee needs to be about Filipino rice farmers contemplating death.

I feel bad for Michelle Williams (and she was GREAT in The Fablemans) but this is Yeoh's year.

It’s a fucking good movie.

EEAAO absolutely should lead the nominations, they actually made a film people want to watch.

Sarandos did own up to it but I think he’s leaving stuff out.

There’s more to it than that. Netflix itself has revealed that they look at viewer behavior differently depending on the viewer. Netflix wants shows that do two things: bring in new customers and stop existing customers from cancelling.

It’s easy to judge a show a success or failure when you make the rules 

I’m assuming ‘successful’ here means ‘met or exceeded new/retained subscriber goals during show’s initial run’.  Netflix seems like it’s run by living breathing metrics and not human beings.

Covid followed by $6 gas would be my answer

I don’t know what Tim Allen’s politics are, but I’m sure a coked-up comic 90s comic would never pull such an untoward stunt!

She was the first “hot girl” assistant on the “Tool Time” show within a show.

Fortunately, Pamela Anderson had the presence of mind to carry a camcorder with her at all times and captured the exact moment when Tim Allen flashed her and, so there was no confusion about consent, she turned the camera on herself and said, “I didn’t consent to that!” while maintaining a perfect frown.

Because if anything is going to placate the far right it’s appointing a Jewish woman of color to the role instead! 

Where would people get this idea???

Now playing

As I got into the teens of this list, I realized there was probably going to be at least one major omission for live action films. Really, no 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea? Great story, great cast, the special effects still look convincing, the design of the Nautilus being the prototype of steampunk, and Kirk-freaking-D

It won’t.

Thanks for letting us know.