
... and then can she be promoted to co-lead with Damon Wayans Jr

Please please please please please can the next bit of news about this show be that Eliza Coupe has been cast DW Jr’s wife!!

I imagine the actual way Ryan Reynolds was a dick to him was telling him that he doesn’t want to work with rapists, and since that’s not a very compelling argument for Miller, he pulled up this anecdote as the closest thing to Reynolds being rude to him that he could manage.

A movie theatre near me brings back old movies as part of a retro film series, and one week they played RoboCop. The comments under the announcements were full of weirdos going on about how they love RoboCop because it’s “un-PC” and you couldn’t make it today.

I also love how they say, “You can’t joke about/say anything anymore! You couldn’t make Blazing Saddles today!”

I’m glad that Michael Palin was always my favorite Python.

To be clear, GB news is “like Fox News” in that it’s reactionary, full of shit and will eventually mount a legal defense that claims nobody in their right mind could take them seriously. GB News is so unpopular that it’s been beaten in the ratings by Welsh dubs of Paw Patrol, and it’s been estimated that there are

Once-talented and respected comedian senses he’s drifting away from the cultural zeitgeist, panics, blames the woke mob/PC police/kids these days for his problems instead of trying to learn something new, becomes tedious, unfunny crank. Tale as old as time.

It’s weird that “You either die a hero, or live long enough to become the villain” is from a Batman movie, because it’s a pretty astute take.

At this point, given this has gone on for years regardless of whatever treatment he is or isn’t getting at the time, it’s pretty clear whatever mental health issues he has don’t have anything to do with having his shitty views. All they seem to do is affect just how vocally he’s currently expressing those shitty views.

He also has a history of mental health struggle with bipolar disorder, a history of prescription drug abuse, past psychosis, and history of nervous breakdowns.

Who’s “Monster”? Do you mean Animal? Or is there a new member of the band I’m unfamiliar with?

“You can’t fight it here, this is the war room!”

I noticed the same thing with the upcoming Joe Friday series.

I’ll tell you one thing. This looks a thousand times better than the Rob Zombie Munsters. We watched it Friday night and it was painfully bad. I like the stupid campy Munsters show from the 50s but it feels like Rob Zombie, once again, fails to understand the core concepts of a thing he loves.  

Damn. Have we finally found an internet video that actually might deserve that “Watch so-and-so COMPLETE EVISCERATE...” stupid click-bait headline?

Galavant! What a great show. I want to rewatch it but it really requires one’s full attention to get max enjoyment.

I had no idea of Luke Youngblood’s greatness until I saw Galavant.  Adorable as he was as Magnitude, he was really wasted on Community.

I think I can speak for a lot of people in that if Magnitude doesn’t come back then there is no reason to even make the movie. Pop. Pop.