
I certainly didn’t dislike it, but it reminded me very much of video game cutscenes.

I thought exactly what the OP did, but within a second or two I realized how they got it.

SouthParkStudios is what I remember; it’s still there, but it appears a lot of episodes are unavailible.

I remember back in the day when they had every episode on their website for free (plus ads, I think?)

I watched that unaired pilot and it was nowhere near “painful,” but bland.

Superman can fly. Joe Hackett can fly. Coincidence?

When does KMK find time to sleep? I swear he’s in like every other movie or show that gets announced these days.

I was wondering when we were gonna hear about this. I wasn’t 100% into the first season of the reboot, but I still look forward to more. I hope they can strike a better balance of the material; it’s either too much Warners or too much Pinky & the Brain. And no more of that weird gnome thing.

Scoops Troop ahoy!

I’m not sure they know how “fads” work.

I won’t yuck anyone’s yum, but I really didn’t enjoy this show very much. I like Jane Levey, but very little about the show worked for me (especially the music choices).

That Imagination Land thing was a “movie” right? I don’t remember if it started as three episodes then made into a DVD movie or vice-versa.

So, would South Park move from HBO Max to Paramount+ then?

Isn’t that literally always the case?

Well, at least Sara’s still got Girls5Eva.

That was my thought regarding Jordan Peele’s Twilight Zone and the upcoming Wonder Years show.

Oh, it’s the girl from Andi Mack! They grow up so fast.

Yeah, this one was weak and a little hard to follow, IMO. I feel like this season’s episodes have been structurally all over the map; there really isn’t a clear sense of an act break or anything.

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An article about jungle romance movies and you pick the wrong Brendan Fraser film?

Love Kevin, don’t really care about Doug Judy, like Pimento enough, never liked Gina.