
This should be an interesting turn of events.

I definitely got my signals crossed at some point, because I was under the assumption that his daughter would become the next Hawkeye.

You can tell from that image this is gonna be Flash-style animation.

It’s a cable channel primarily for watchin’ movies, but there’s original programming as well (like Outlander or Ash vs Evil Dead).

I haven’t read/heard anything to that affect. One thing I read suggested it was coming back next year. Seasons 2 and 3 started a week after the previous season ended, so who knows.

This is honest to goodness a great show and everyone should watch it.

Yeah, my friends and I were talking about this a couple of weeks ago and I looked up the ratings on the recent season. Most episodes averaged about over 1 million viewers, with certain episodes at 3 million-ish because of feetball.

I’m glad it’s finally out there in its entirety (baring a couple of missing episodes and musical numbers here and there) for the general public to experience again.

Good choice!

Either they did a lot of “taking lines from different scenes and pasting them onto other shots” or the lip-sync is really bad on this.

And it’s not even streaming anywhere last I checked (without having to pay for the seasons); it’s not on Peacock, not on Hulu, not even, which instead  has the whole series of Bruce Campbell’s short-lived syndicated “Jack of All Trades” show. It made it so hard to recommend to people because you couldn’t

K, just watched it. It is not the trainwreck it was set up to be, I think it ends up being just a little bland and not particularly funny (but not in a painfully unfunny way).

Oh hey, it’s Josh from Trial & Error! Gone too soon.

Someone hasn’t been watching Disney’s Big City Greens.

Hubba wha?? A trained voice actor doing a voice role, not a named celebrity?!

I think we’re long past the era of studios junking programs for the sake of doing it, baring things like fires or other damaging accidents.

I don’t really get how someone can watch a TV show or movie on their phone. Short social media videos, sure, but this seems like it’s killer for your battery.

This streaming bubble is gonna burst at some point.

There has not been a single Paramount+ original show I’ve heard announced that I have any interest in.

It was certainly a better use of IP in the film than, say, randomly sticking Elmer Fudd into Austin Powers.