
Just a way for the characters to break the fourth wall. Like I said, they’re adopting the style, not the conceit.

The audience, yes. The creators have said there isn’t really a documentary crew following them; it’s just a style they’re employing.

It was more of a style than actual practice. The creators have said there isn’t actually anyone filming them.

Kinda reminds me of how long things like Yes, Dear or According to Jim lasted. I don’t think either one of those were anyone’s favorites or were pop-culture phenemonenans, yet they just kept coming back each season.

I honestly don’t remember when I stopped watching this show. I started a few years behind and loved it, but I don’t when I lost interest in a re-watch.

Don’t worry, it’s Elmo, not Flo Bear.

I like your style.

Those were both pretty solid episodes; shame there won’t be weekly reviews, but this AV Club is a fickle business, I guess.

“William Wonka” is now my favorite Holt-ism of the season so far.

I hate this trend more than cropping 16:9 into 4:3.

Now playing

That sucks. He also composed one of the best Sesame Street songs of the 21st century too (also an Emmy-nominated track):

Watched it a little late:

Cartoon Network has no cable company-connected live stream on their website, which seems so crazy to me in these days.

I know The Goldbergs also had only their finale left to shoot. 

The tie for biggest laughs for me were Holt’s obsession with the name of the task force (Andre deserves an Emmy or something for just saying the full name alone) and Jake’s reaction to Boyle being picked over him: “Boyle? From work?!”

I thought it was already known that it was ending?

I mean, I guess the environmental positives are one way to look at this crisis.

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I watched an episode of that out of curiosity, and it had this incredibly funny musical number that would not feel out of place in a show made for adults:

Don’t just show kids videos on good hygiene, show them funny sketches and catchy songs. We all need to be entertained this week.

Well, I guess this will wind up being Pixar’s lowest-grossing film by no fault but nature’s.