
I appreciate that Holt has a tiny Cheddar figurine on his desk (at the appropriate degree direction, of course).

Especially after all the money they’re losing because Disney World is closed.

I mean, but there’s no John Candy...

I was at Disney World last July and their maps still boast that Splash Mountain is based on the movie.

I was a little miffed that Connie wasn’t around for the first half of these episodes, but man have they put her to good use now.

Yeah, the B-plot felt “funny, but otherwise uneventful,” but the stuff with Holt was solid; I think the writers have just been sitting on Wunch-burns for a season and just let loose everything in their pockets.

Unsurprisingly, I’m getting mad POTC vibes from this.

Well, yeah, okay; I see your point.

I’m not neck-deep in the mythology of this show, but is Stevonnie the only named fusion on the show that’s just a combo of the two names? Like, Garnet isn’t Ruby and Spahire made into a portmantaeu.

I dunno, the stuff from Newsies isn’t that bad (the vocals by non-singers withstanding).

Hey, the Menken music from Galavant is the best part of it.

I dunno, this feels worse to me.

The amount of people who asked for this is in the negatives.

I watched this for the first time last year and it is one of the most flawless movies I’ve ever seen.

Not really, but it’s been a lot more prevalent this season, it seems.


I haven’t really watched any of this reboot beyond a clip or two, but I don’t like how “polished” it looks.

As a Muppet fan, my response is: “Sure, why not.”

I bugs the hell out of me too! I hate that companies know what we call things for shorthand, so they just brand the thing as that anyhow (re: Dunkin’ Donuts now being just Dunkin).

One thing I’d like to see is the “groups” re-arrange a little; it’s always the kids, the teens, and the adults. Maybe this time it’s Joyce, El, Steve, and Lucas, then Nancy, Max, Will, etc...